Sunday, September 3, 2017

Osaka trip planning

Long weekend is over! Although it was not really a long weekend for me because I had to work yesterday, the holiday on Friday gave me a breather to plan for my Osaka trip in 2 weeks time. The worst part of a holiday is always the returning to work and the planning. I am always amazed with people who go for solo travel. I am not even solo travelling this time! I am only solo-ing on the first day yet I feel so stressful to prepare things. Yes, only ONE FREAKING DAY! Lol. So yeah personally I prefer a holiday in which I just follow people blindly.

I settled the more important things like USJ ticket, transport from airport to Namba, data roaming and router rental. However I spent more time to look for not so important things like where to shower after arrival (thank goodness there is airport lounge at Kansai Airport that I can use after arrival) and where to store my luggage while waiting for my airbnb check in time. Other than coin lockers, I find an office to store luggage for awhile. In fact, there is even a service for the luggage to be delivered from the airport to the hotel directly. Wow.. If I stay in a hotel this time, I will definitely use that. Haha..

My plan for day 1 is actually to visit 2 photo studios for samurai and kimono photos. That is why I am very particular about showering lol. I also want to explore Namba, Denden Town, and Osaka-Umeda areas to see if there is any good shopping places to return to at the other days. Apparently Mandarake Grandchaos is just 1 block away from the airbnb place. Hoho..

Holiday is a good reason to replace my gadgets. My Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 (the original tablet and not the current handphone whose name is without the .0) is near its end of life with LCD bleeding and dying battery. Repairing it does not make any financial sense and hence I might as well buy a new tablet.

I bought the tablet in 2013 the same year that it was released. I am honestly very disappointed with Samshit after this. Only 4 years and they are no longer offering service to their flagship item. Bleah.. seriously.. Currently tablet market is terrible. The cheap ones (i.e those below <$300) have worse specs than my current Note 8.0. The newer one, yes I am looking at you Samsung Tab S3, is above $1000 and no way I am going to spend that much of money anymore for Samshit.

I usually avoid rotten Apple but it is finally time for me to jump to iPad. iPad mini and iPad are in the $500-$650 range and the only competitor is Samsung Tab S2. Both iPads are 2017 release while Samsung Tab S2 is 2016 release so it is a no-brainer which one I will get. After intensive 1 day research, I decided to get iPad and hence I went to Comex. This was my first trip in maybe a decade lol. It was not as crowded as expected. There was ample space to avoid direct human to human contact. Yup, those anime fairs are actually more crowded. But seriously, the promoters were really pesky. They just shoved flyers to you. At the beginning, I still politely smiled and lifted my hand to declined the flyers but eventually I just ignored them altogether. I know you are all doing your work but still, sorry about that.

In the end, I did not buy any iPad. Haha.. Initially I wanted to get iPad 128gb but I find the size is too big :( iPad mini 128gb has a nice size but it is onl $50 cheaper than the bigger iPad. Not to mention that iPad mini processor is 1 generation lousier than iPad. Haiz.. I think I shall work my Samshit until its end of life and I hope it does not explode.

Haiz I better settle my hair cut and exchanging Yen first.

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