Friday, December 30, 2016

No rabbits

I am done arranging and tidying up my comic cabinet today. It was very tiring but I was so eager to look forward to visit the Rabbit Land at Mall Kelapa Gading in the afternoon. The pictures on the website look interesting and exciting and I could not wait to play and have photos with the rabbits. Sadly, reality is very far off from the advertisement and my trip became a disappointment. The area is too small and there were so many little kids. Well.. it is school holidays after all. I am not going to compete with little kids as I still have my 'face'. Haha.. but I was pretty shocked that the rabbits were allowed to run around and we are supposed to chase after them if we want to hold and carry them. Urrgh.. please... I hope the rabbits are not traumatised. I prefer going somewhere where the animals are treated better and proper chance to interact with them is provided.

I am also emo after realising that there is Muji that sells a similar drawer that can be stacked into cabinets like the ones I bought yesterday. Yes it is slightly more expensive (almost Rp 30000) then what I bought but it is bigger and it is made in Japan. Definitely the quality is better than the ones made in China that I bought. I am quite irritated with my sister because I asked if there was any shop to get container box at MKG and she said there was not.

Oh well.. That's all for today. Holiday is really coming to an end and I am far from what I planned to achieve. Haiz.. I only managed to revise 2 chapters of my Japanese class, not to mention that I have not done the latest homework. I did not make any Gundams. Tomorrow I will clean my toy detolf and I shall see if the Saint Seiya Myth Cloth base can fit nicely for my small Saint Seiya figures. May the last day of 2016 be a good one.

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