Friday, February 26, 2016

A bit of luck

Sometimes people just need a little bit of luck or reward to turn things around. I was getting super bored playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper since the start of the year. I only played the events and skipped the main quests or daily grinding dungeons which means I only played 2-3x a week after the events were released. Things turned around at the latest FF XII. I was planning to used up my mithril and I got Vaan and Fran's unique weapons. Yay!! Since then I have been playing the main quests again and I have been spending time on it. I think once a gamer is forever a gamer. Once I am going full throttle with gaming, all the my other leisure activities take a back seat.

I am in the midst of doing my second photo book for my Japan trip and I have been procrastinating as I am still halfway through despite already started doing it since 2 weeks ago. This is only for a 40 page photo book. In comparison, it took me 2 weeks to complete the 80 page photo book for my Euro trip. I guess doing this for the second time kinda kills some of the excitement of using the software. The main problem, however, is I feel emo when I see my photos from Japan trip. Aaargh... the memory of the screwed up setting of my camera.. and the memory of my friend's bad photo taking skills. Sigh.. I really need and want to retake those pictures. I am aiming to finish this book before I am going to Australia next Friday but I don't know if I am able to.

Today I received a farewell/thank you gift from a student. That's my first ever and ironically, I am not even her preceptor o_0 I promise that I will never be a sucker for this kind of thing but I am not going to be a hypocrite to say that I don't feel happy to get such appreciation. Well, this kinda teaches me something: it is not a matter of what I do as a teacher but it is a matter of the student :) I am glad that my philosophy is right to do my best in teaching and not to expect anything in return. Because if my objective is to get a reciprocation from students, I think I will hate teaching by now.

Ok.. photobook now.. photobook...

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