Sunday, November 8, 2015

Flower Dome

Today I will be writing about work. My branch continues on with the trend of 1 pharmacist leaving each year. This time, it is my boss' turn. The good news is that my previous boss who was transferred 2 years ago will be back. Sian.. I could sense that something was coming as she offered to treat all of us for dinner last week with a weak reason for our contribution for JCI audit. There was nothing to thank us for as the audit is part of our job and we were just doing my our job. My suspicion that someone is going to leave became greater when another colleague suggested for a dinner either only on 6 or 7 December. We don't usually have dinner together so it is very weird to have dinners on 2 consecutive months. Thus when she told me that she wanted to say something in private on Wednesday, I knew what was coming: either I will be transferred and she stays or I will stay and she is leaving.

It is very sad :( I am the last man standing from the original combination that I enjoyed from 3 years ago. Honestly I am not surprised considering how much working environment has deteriorated as compared to a few years back. I am personally thinking of leaving but I still have 10 more months of bond. A bond is a like a promise and I am not going to break it.

A part of me feels hopeful that the old boss will be able to get hold of technicians better. Because of the age gap, naturally people are more scared of her. However, it is still bitter sweet that she is only back because my current boss is leaving. The 3 of used to be working together and I have a lot of fond memories. Sigh.. If only she is back in exchange of my not-so-useful colleagues.

I just attended my company's Culture DNA day today. My colleague kept teasing me that my photos were everywhere. It is an overstatement. My name is in 3 different projects and that is the reason why my photos a bit more often than others. I honestly dislike this kind of 'competition' as I am a sore loser. I know I should have been grateful as the project that I anyhow submitted won $200 (Merit Award) and I have another 2 project within the top 10 ($400 each). I should not let the disappointment for none of the top 2 clinched the Best Project Award ($600 or just $200 more) ruined the whole thing but I can't help but to feel shit when seeing the winning project.

Anyway my main goal of attending the event was for free entrance to Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay. No way I will pay using my own money to enter it. The only thing I like is that the temperature inside the Dome is quite cooling. Other than that, everything looks so fake. It is nothing like the beautiful flower field pictures that I usually see in calendars. Bleah.. I am still amazed that there are so many tourists want to enter this.

I just discovered that there will be an OVA for Kuroko no Basuke. Can't wait for it!!

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