Monday, May 25, 2015

My baby called GMC

I consider this as my baby as it took 18 months for all the planning. I could have given birth to 2 babies in 18 months! Lol.. My sacrifice goes beyond that as this also caused my uncountable pimples and stress as well as a missed opportunity to travel to Japan with my extended  family. But I should not be complaining as it is my choice to be involved in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be involved in once-in-a-lifetime event. Nope, I am not doing this for resume. I think it is the most stupid reason to accept any arrow if the goal is resume because resume only has its use when someone wants to change job.

I am a perfectionist so I am proud to transform these empty office cupboards...
 into a mini-pharmacy...
 And finally the drugs arrived...
The dispensing counter
Yesterday was the first day of operation and there were 0 patient. Today was the second day and in total, I served 2 patients in 2 x 12 hours period. Well done! Haha.. I don't know how I am going to survive when I am back to my normal work with close to 700 patients per day.

For now I will just enjoy this time.. no matter how short-lived it is because I expect to be stressed again once GMC gets busier and I need to crack my head regarding replenishment of drugs. I still need to juggle my exam on the 10th of June as well. Sob T_T

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