Sunday, March 8, 2015

Thank God..

I have to thank God for the continual blessings throughout this past week. It is quite amazing that I completed 7 x 1 hour lunch time talk in a week without losing my voice or hurting my throat. I have one item less in my "to do list" with the completion of the public talk last Saturday. I hated it so much. 2 years ago when I was approached for it, it was promised that I only needed to up there to do the talk and that was it. In the end, I also had to do the various admin stuff. Pfft... It was not even my responsibility or anything. The worst was the HQ person who was supposed to help me completely forgot about it. I called her 15 minutes before the registration began and she was freaking out. It was obvious that she completely forgot about it.

I nearly had a dispensing error a few days ago. It was the last patient and as the patient was queue-ing for payment, I went to look at the prescription again to see a discrepancy. Oh my God!! I think it was really a miracle. God really nudged me to check the prescription again because usually I don't have the habit of re-checking after I completed the dispensing. That happened to be the last patient as well. If there were still patients after that, I would definitely not check the prescription again. It was a huge wake up call for me to remain careful and not to rush even when it is busy or it is close to going home time. It is quite ironic to conduct talks to nag at my staff for safety bla bla bla when I myself still fall into similar at-risk behaviours.

Money is the root of all evils. I always thought that it is how the quote go. Apparently according to the bible (1 Timothy 6:10), the statement is "the love of money is the root of all evils". Money itself is not the problem but the greed, the obsession, and the desire to hoard money are what driving people mad. I met my friend yesterday to pick up my S.H Figuarts Sailor Uranus and Sanford 2014 book as we combined our purchase from Amazon. I realise how stingy I am when it comes to money. My friend still has to pay his university study loan i.e higher expenditure than me but he seems to be more generous when it comes to money. Haiz.. I have something to learn from him.. and I have to be grateful for able to get a scholarship to fund my university. Otherwise I will still be serving my loan now and don't even think about saving for the future. A part of me thinks I am overspending and I need to save. Another part of me thinks that such thoughts are what making me stressed and obsessed with money.

Anyway I redeemed my $50 Robinsons voucher and I am very happy that it can also be used at John's Little or Marks and Spencer. I was expecting 5 x $10 vouchers and was planning to buy new sets of underwears. Since it is one $50 voucher, my underwear has to wait. Haha.. I am not going to spend on $50 worth of underwears. My family is coming over on the coming weekend and I hope they are buying something and I can exchange the voucher with cash. Lol... Of course if they are not buying anything, since I can use the voucher at Marks and Spencer, I can spend it on their tidbits. Fuuuh.... gotta hang on for my avoidance of tidbits, bubble tea, and fast food.. I survived 2 months without it. I have avoided Starbucks as well and as a result, my studies suffer :( I simply cannot study at home..

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