Saturday, August 9, 2014


It seems that I am never meant to be sporty or to have six-pack. Last week, my second attempt to complete the 30 day ab challenge failed again. The rest day seems to be the biggest challenge as I always feel so lazy to continue the day after. This time I fared much better than the first attempt as I managed to complete 1 week. I wanted to time the second rest day (or day 8) on the blood donation day as I need to rest my arm after the blood donation. Alas, the queue on Sunday was pretty long and decided to go on Monday.

Usually I encounter problem with my borderline low blood pressure. It was really shocking when this time my Hb was borderline low at 12.5. For the past many donations, not even once I encountered borderline Hb. Sigh.. A lot of questions start to pop up in my mind. Is it due to my diet? I try to avoid eating nowadays because I am getting fatter. Is it because my lack of sleep for the past week? The nurse who did the test told me that that could be a reason. Or perhaps I should go for blood donation less frequently?

From then on, my health is going downhill. I continuously feel tired throughout the week and I don't know whether I am anemic or I am really falling sick. I had multiple diarrhea on Wednesday morning but I forced myself to work as this week is the last week of my students' attachment and there was something that had to be done on that day. At work, I felt very cold although I was not sure if that was because of the air-con. By the end of the day, my head was throbbing and I had to take Anarex. I slept at 9pm and the following morning I did not feel better.

Again, I could not take MC because in the afternoon I had a site visit to the National Stadium which I could not afford to miss. You may be wondering why I had to visit National Stadium but I shall not say why. It is work-related though. I was looking forward to the day as the dismiss time was 5pm and I could still squeeze sometime to watch Guardian of the Galaxy after work. I had to call off that plan as I could not hold my bowel anymore. I went home, went to bed at 8pm, and still no improvement this morning! Bleah..

I still had to go to work to finish up students' appraisal and after that I decided to get MC. The doctor told me that if by Monday I am still not better, I have to do a blood test to rule out possibility of dengue! O.M.G! Sian.. Despite me feeling cold and warm alternatingly, my temperature does not show any fever (and usually I know if I am down with fever as internally I will also feel hot instead of only on the skin surface). I check my skin for rashes and I don't know if I am seeing things or really there is no rash on me.

Surprisingly I still managed to go out for birthday dinner celebration of my aunt who came here for a short holiday. We had dinner at Ku De Ta on the top of Marina Bay Sands. The breeze did not bother me at all. Haha.. Before reaching, I tried to google about the place and generally the reviews are unfavourable. I am usually a picky eater so that really brought my expectations rather low. But perhaps, those people doing the reviews have 'atas' tongue while my tongue is poor people's tongue. I thought the food is pretty good although the appetizers were better than the main course. My favourite was foie gras. Woohoo.. That was my first time tasting it. When we ordered a second serving (only 4 pieces per serving), I acted shy and decided not to have a second one.. Aaah... Honestly, I don't see anything unusual as it tasted just like any other animals' liver. Perhaps the texture is softer and more chewy but other than that I don't see anything that justifies the cost or justifies the torture to the animals.

After spending close to $600, I felt much better now. Mwahaha.. We also had the chance to visit the Ku De Ta club lounge for 'sight-seeing'. I still can't enjoy the so-called night life and don't understand people who enjoy loud music, dancing, lights, and booze. I prefer my bed. Thank goodness I still managed to catch the second last bus home and now I am typing this before going to bed.

I hope tomorrow everything will be fine and I am not having dengue. Period!

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