Thursday, July 3, 2014

Save small.. lose big..

Time for my childish tantrum! And it's all my sister's fault..

I am running out of LINE credits and I am tempted to buy the newly released Saint Seiya sticker set. My sister told me last week that she could buy LINE stickers/themes using her pre-paid phone credit which got me thinking if I could use my Indonesian pre-paid number. My Indonesian pre-paid number has a lot of credit because I have to top-up every 2 months to keep the number alive until the next time I go for holiday and no way I am ever going to use finish the credits.

I tried to purchase coins but there was no option other than adding card to my gmail account. Then my sister messaged me that she did it via LINE store. Great.. So I switched my Indonesian SIM card to my phone.. only to realise that such service is not available in Singapore -_-". Even in Indonesia, the service is only available for Telkomsel users and my SIM card is not from Telkomsel.. Okay fine..

The trouble is when I put back the SIM card to the Samsung dumb-phone dedicated for use only in Indonesia. My sister cut the SIM card to fit into micro-SIM phone and because this phone is still using normal SIM, she gave me SIM card adaptor. Unfortunately, the idiot who cut the SIM cut it too small and the cut SIM does not fit snuggly to the adaptor. When I pushed the adaptor, the SIM card slid off while the adaptor was pushed it. I could not remove the adaptor because it was stuck to the metal thingies that help to read the SIM card! FUCK! That's the end of that phone. Fixing it will cost more than buying a new low-end dumb-phone so I threw it away. I did not even get to remember the type of the phone..

I regret and am angry at myself for having itchy finger.. I wanted to save money buy using the potentially unused phone credit but I ended up throwing a much more expensive phone.. T_T Of course I can't help but feeling more angry towards my sister: she cut the SIM card although she was not even using it, she gave me the stupid adaptor, and she gave me wrong information about the LINE store!

And now I have to buy a new phone when I go to Bintan next week. Damn it!

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