Thursday, March 20, 2014

Falling apart

I am still adapting to my new place and I have yet to feel really comfortable. I have been going out after work to minimise the time at home and this leaves me quite tired. I am also still lazy to unpack my items and my room is still in the same state as last week. Haiz.. This place is only 2 stops away from my old place but it is so much troublesome to reach my office in the morning. I have to sleep early (perhaps it is not a bad thing) and wake up early (this is the problem!). On Monday, I left house at 815 and I managed to reach on time in the office by 900. On Tuesday, I had to arrive by 845 so I left earlier at 800. I still reached at about 900 -_- I guess walking to 163 bus stop is still a better choice for me.

On Tuesday, I finally finalised my financial plans with health insurance, life insurance, and long-term saving plan. The yearly premium for the life insurance and long-term saving plan will cost me $10k and that's all that I have in my bank account. Sigh.. The rest of my money has been locked in fixed deposit and in a savings account which I don't wish to touch. No idea how I am going to survive these coming months. I went to the bank to ask for a raise in my credit card limit to buy me some time but I don't if it will be approved as my monthly income is only like $100 more than my income when I first applied for the card 1.5 years ago. Haiz.. In addition, I also break my monthly spending on toys. In a few months time, once my PR formalities are completed, my take home salary will be much reduced as compared to now so I don't think I am able to afford current lifestyle with my toys. That's why I went a bit overboard this month. Haiz.. Being emo and stressed with both work and personal life does not make things better too..

The only thing I tidied up for the past few days is my latest annual health screening results. However, after comparing with last year's result, it is really a wake-up call. I gained 5kg and my waist circumference increased by 7cm in just 1 year. My total cholesterol, LDL, and TG all went up and my HDL went down. Thank goodness my sugar is more or less the same. I guess all the potato chips, instant noodles, bubble teas and fast food in 2013 really take their toll on my body. Currently in my attempt to avoid all these, albeit for acne reason, I end up with cravings for sweet and cold stuff.. or ice cream basically. Haiz.. if I don't put a control on this, my sugar will go up too for this year's screening.

When I don't avoid all these unhealthy things, I can see the effects but when I avoid them, I don't see a reversal. My acne problem is really making me very emo and angry. It is 3 months now that I am not having any potato chips, instant noodles, AND fast food. See.. it's an AND and not an OR. No change in my face and I still have new ones popping out even when I am already using Differin gel + Benzoyl Peroxide. Differin is already the most potent acne treatment and if it does not work perhaps I should consider plastic surgery next.

I just returned from attending a briefing which was held after office hours. My boss could not make it and I was arrowed to attend on behalf. Bleah.. Nothing was really useful or interesting about the briefing. However, I have to admit that I was happy with the dinner. There is a stall selling Indonesian food at TTSH and some of the food is really creative. I bought Gado-Mie which is basically a noodle with Gado Gado style. I was so happy when I saw the person opening a pack of Indomie Goreng! That is my second most favourite food after the first one which is Indomie Jumbo!! Haha.. Despite the Gado Gado sauce and all that, I could still taste the Indomie flavour!! Waaah... orgasmic and nostalgic if I have to say. 

On the bus ride home, I received a text from my friend since JC days if I wanted to try her freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. Of course I would. I always have space in my stomach for dessert and sweet nice things. Haha.. 

So yeah.. a bit of positive things in this quite emo week.

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