Sunday, March 30, 2014

Don't stop believing

After 13 days of work and about 2 weeks of adapting to my new place, I finally can laze around in my room and on my bed today. And surely I am quite in a happy mood although there are still a lot of things that I need to do. I brought back a file full of invoices to check and sign, I have a video and an article to write by tomorrow, and I have a few emails that I have yet to reply. Perhaps it is because I am going home in 2 weeks time for my birthday :) I am more excited about the going home part rather than the birthday. Lol..

Being overwhelmed with invoices is always bittersweet for me. On one side, I am irritated with the constant work that I need to clear. On the other side, ironically, perhaps it is God granting my childhood dream. When I was a kid, I often joked with my parents that when I grew up, I would like to be like my dad: becoming a boss, just sit in office, scold people and sign papers. Well, I am somewhat there now except that my sitting down time is much less, my pay is much less, and I got scolded by idiots too.

So indeed, God hears my prayers and grants them in unexpected. So don't lose faith and keep on praying. The next ones on my list are big house with swimming pool and a lot of statues (I guess my anime figurines can be counted so again, Alleluia!), a great family with a loving wive and 2 children: 2 sons and 2 daughters, and eternal youth. Lol.. Before going for mass today, I suddenly got the thought of asking when my sisters would be getting married. I wanna play with kids a.k.a their kids as I am not ready to have my own yet. Lol.. I kinda changed my mind seeing how little rascals were making their parents' (and everybody's) lives difficult at church!

It also made me a realise that no matter how much I complain about my job, it is not the most difficult or the most tiring on in the world. I think PARENTING is the most difficult and tiring job in this world. It begins on the day the first child is born and it continues until the day you leave this earth. I was thinking: babies/infants are so irritating and can I just have my kids born as a teenager straightaway?? Hmm.. I think parents get more headache when their kids hit teenage years ba haha.. Even when the kids reach adulthood, I am sure parents will still get worried and think about whether their kids will find great spouses and happy family lives on their own bla bla bla...

The next time I am going home, I will definitely ask my mum how I was when I was a small kid. Was I a cry baby too? Did I give them a lot of trouble by continuously whining and throwing tantrums etc?? Haha.. I have no memory of how I was when I was a baby and infant. However I do remember all the headaches I gave my parents when I was fighting brutally with my sisters when my parents were working or when I fell down from playing Tarzan from the ceiling. Sorry mum and dad.. I love you still ^o^

Oh one last thing, I managed to sell another toy after so many months. Haha.. Yay!! I will continue praying that I can quickly sell those toys I no longer want.
I never know or hear about this Gundam before. I bought this together with HG 1/144 Deathscythe Hell that I did not own. I can't remember how much I paid for both (but definitely < USD 10) as I got a full refund for this. I bought from this seller as on his ad, he showed the Deathscythe Hell with Duo picture on the box but the one I received is another version which has no Duo picture. Of course I complained because I only collect those with pictures of the pilots wor..

Anyway this is kinda vintage as it was released in 1992 so it is 22 years old already! OMG! Haha.. Ironically during one of the toy fair at Kinokuniya last year, I saw the blue colour version of this! Haha.. Reproduced one I guess?? Lol.. Considering the obscurity of this Gundam and the fact that one of the plastic piece came off the sheet, I should be glad that I was able to sell this for $15.

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