Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Li Chun

The post title is not a typo error and it is also not referring to Chun Li, my favourite Street Fighter girl. Li Chun (立春) is also known as the first day of spring. It is quite peculiar that Chinese New Year, which is to celebrate the arrival of spring, was celebrated on the 31th January while the actual first day of spring is still a few days later. Apparently, the beginning of the Lunar New Year may not exactly coincide with the actual start of the spring and I have been wrong all these time.

Anyway, I am digressing. What I want to write is about a recommendation by some Feng Shui masters to deposit money in the bank during Li Chun as a good sign that for the rest of the year, the money in your bank will keep increasing. I guess it is a similar belief that farmers start farming on Li Chun in hope of getting good harvest for the rest of the year etc. I read one of these articles in December so I kinda forgotten the actual day. A friend made a comment on this on Facebook and that reminded me that I should also deposit money. Haha.. Who does not want more money right? Although the banks were already closed by the time I realised this, I still went to nearest cash deposit machine. Haha.. The ultimate goal is to deposit money ma.. I was shocked with the queues that I saw -__-

Sian.. I really don't know that people can be so superstitious when it comes to money. Honestly, I am glad that I am Catholic and I believe everything that God wants to provide me, He will provide. This sounds very hypocritical that it comes from someone who has not been to the Church for more than a month already.. Although I also wanted to follow the deposit money thingy, I was just doing it for fun. After seeing the queue, nevermind.. I am not gonna waste my 1 hour for that. Haha.. Having said that, I do feel regret for not remembering this earlier. I could have gone to the cash deposit machine near my office that was empty. I could even go there twice (at lunch time and after work)!! Lol.. Oh well, I should just "deposit" my money in my drawer as a symbol lo..

I mark this Li Chun by deciding to get Final Fantasy Trading Arts Kai Mini of Zidane, Warrior of Light, and Ace from Amiami. They were released in November and up to now, I still don't see them in any of the local shop. Bleah.. just bit the bullet and bought it la! Perhaps it is a sign that my wallet will bleed money for the rest of the year to fund my toys. Storage space will be a headache and I am officially very emo. I have confirmed that I will have to move to my new place by 14th March! I am following the current landlord but I have no idea where the new place is, how big my room is, or how it will look like. I foresee that I will sleep on top of my boxes and plastic containers :( Oh heck! Buy first and think about how to store or ship them back to Jakarta when the time comes lor...

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