Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year.. New Image...

Happy New Year 2011!!!

I know I missed the 1/1/11 but who cares.. I can always wait for 11/11/11 haha.. Anyway, there was nothing special with my new year. It is just another ordinary day. Lol.. 

So what about New Year resolution? I guess I can make a lot but let's be realistic.. Exercising? Hmmph... It has been suspended for the past month (despite the past month being holiday!) due to the bad weather.. Well actually the weather was nice :p But I don't like to run before/after rain.. when the road is wet etc.. So yeah.. unfortunately..

My New Year resolution will be simple this time. If I have been super duper emo for the past year (or is it for the past "few years"?? :p), I shall shed the emo-boy image.. The image that I will choose is: CHEERFUL BOY!! Lol.. Okay lets see how long this will last :)

I have been busy settling things regarding pre-reg application for the past few days.. Fiuh.. The whole thing is gonna be over soon. Just the forms and the photos cost me so much money already haiz.. And to be honest, I am still undecided about which place to go :S I don't wanna work T_T

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