Wednesday, December 8, 2010


There are so many depressing things going on with my life currently. I actually cannot afford the time for blogging. But the thing I am about to write is really infuriating..

Call me jealous, childish, etc and I don't care... But tell me, do I have reasons to feel jealous, angry, being treated unfair and other negative feelings?

You gave permission to my sister to get a $888 handphone (iPhone!). And last time you were screaming for my $1000 airfare ticket to Korea!
Last time you disapproved my ~$600 camera phone and you gave my sister a digital camera and a phone!
You lambasted my $1800 laptop, something that I could not survive with in university. And you bought my sister $1500 laptop (and another $1400 for my other sister) which they did not really need.
Eh but wait, my PSP did not get scolded! Aaah that was because I did not even bother to say. Haha..

And please stop saying about whose money bla bla bla.. My whole money here has been mixed up with yours up to the point I don't know whose money I am spending. And do I give a damn that in terms of absolute amount of money, I need more than my sisters? No! If you wanna dump your son away in other countries, then you better have enough money to support him in the first place. And who taught me to be so anal about money matters? YOU!! So blame yourself! I also would be happy if I were nurtured in a different way and to be able to just spend money as if money rains on earth everyday.

Grr.. But looks like I will buy that stupid iPhone eventually.. And that's not because I am nice or what.. It's just out of goodwill.. To repay my sister for helping me to get that anime book. Well, I REGRET IT! I found out that I have a friend here who has a paypal account to help me.

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