Monday, November 1, 2010


My days have turned into nights and vice versa. Haha.. I know it is time to study as exam is very very near. But the temptation to start a new game or a new drama is just too huge. Grrr.. Anyway I spent most of past 2 weeks watching various stuff online. It all started from random clips in Youtube. There were missing parts of 1 show (NEWS 24 hour TV). It was a very good and touching show (I had a good cry). Well unfortunately, I could found one part only (Yamapi went scuba diving with his paralysed friend). I still cannot find the part where one member actually did synchronised swimming with a wheelchair bound boy.
Gosh.. I think I just have a soft spot for the disabled  people and community service stuff :(

Did not make me cry but I find the instrument very interesting.. Never imagine that there can be a drum-like instrument which has distinct CDEFGABC kind of notes!

But guess what, Veoh has so many things and I don't know how many episodes of Japanese variety shows I have watched since. I am done with all the videos (which have English subtitles) from at 2 different shows at least.

I am tempted to watch Nobuta Wo Produce but I decide that it is not a wise thing to start a show now haha.. Thus I decided to watch my Desperate Housewives DVD. I thought since it is a comedy show, I could watch a few episodes, had a good laugh, and stopped. Guess what? It was too addictive (in a good way) and I stopped only at 5am. Haha.

Well I did not continue on that the following day (not so addictive rite? haha). But from some lame videos that my friend showed me, I kept on clicking "related videos" until somehow I managed to find I Not Stupid TV series. OMG! Too bad the TV series is just a repeat of the movie so I am not interested. But guess what: I Not Stupid Too TV series is a continuation from the movie. OMG! Haha.. And that's how I repeat another feat of sleeping at 5am again for 2 consecutive days. Haha.. The uploader is from China (I think) since all the title and description is in Chinese characters. I am amazed  thatI can find. There is no way I can ever generate the files even if I deliberately search using the English title haha..

Actually I Not Stupid is a better movie (I can still remember it while I cannot recally anything from I Not Stupid Too). Surprisingly, the I Not Stupid Too TV got more comedy than its movie. I had a good laugh and finished it already. It was sort of reminding me of my childhood naughtiness ba: quarrelling with parents, fighting with siblings over simple things like toilet, the fascination towards 3G phones few years back, problems with phone bills, what happened when maid balik kampung, lame schoolboys gay and sissy taunts etc etc. But I am honestly surprised that there is a Singapore production which I find pretty good XD But perhaps I find it good because it is funny. I think the scriptwriter is pretty smart ba.  

The best joke (to me) is that when the maid (her name is Yati) went to her hometown. The younger son said "now it is Ma and Yati" meaning the mum had to take over the maid's chores. The elder son joked "then it becomes Ma-Ti right?". Mati means "die". And it's true. The mother is always the first to die when maid is away haha..

Ironically.. from listening to Mandarin for these few hours, the only new thing I learn is "fei hua" which mean talking crap/bullshit/nonsense. Perhaps that word was used too much in the show haha..

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