Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pre-exam break

The end of semester and the end of the year is finally here but I am not excited at all. It is kinda ironic. I only have 2 examinable modules and for each paper, I have 1 week each to study. Yeah, it's all thanks to FYP. It really makes me feel there is no holiday, no break, and basically no life -_-". And I don't know whether NUS is too crowded or the new students are just too kiasu. Even in the last DAY of the semester, the canteen is still full house at lunch time. From my experiences for the past 3 years, usually 2 weeks before exam, the canteen crowd was thinning.. In some semesters, it was obviously that people were already start ponning even by mid-sem break..

My project is showing no signs of hope. And I am feeling down after the latest meeting. My friend was praised for being hardworking, being always in the lab, and successfully completing the most challenging part of the project. That means I am lazy and my project is chui ba haiz.. Perhaps I am being too sensitive :( But oh well, my stuff really needs like 24hours so of course I go home ma.. And to make things worse, everytime my supervisor sees me in lab, I am either falling asleep while waiting for stuff or I am leaving the lab. Sigh.. Oh well.. I think really cannot compare.. My steps really take 24 hours kind of thing.. To proof success or failure, usually it takes me 1-2weeks (including the TEM etc).. So everytime I fail, it is really a waste of WEEKS! It is not hours, not days, it's WEEKS!! Grr...

I know it is a wrong time to pick up a game but the game which I thought would not be too fun/addictive, turned out to be damn fun!! Not to mention that I will have fingers osteoarthritis soon at this rate haha. OMG! Haha.. I have problem stopping now :p Well, Dynasty Warriors Vol 2 really reminds me the Dynasty Warriors game that I played on GBA last time.  Whee.. Nice stuff.. Much better.. especially after I got so irritated with the Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce. Haha.. But well, it is quite nice to play the Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce with a friend.. Still, the Dynasty Warriors Vol 2 is better than playing the Strikeforce multiplayer LOL

Last week I also watched Megamind. Haha.. A friend of mine said that the guy looks like one of my lecturers! The clue is the HEAD. Hahaha.. I really find it damn hilarious imagining my lecturer doing things that Megamind does in the movie. It is a brainless kind of movie so just watch for fun ba. It seems that times and era have changed. Nowadays, the main characters in kid cartoons are always anti-heroes/villains.. I really wonder why. Lol.. Last time Despicable Me is about a thief. Even though in the end this villains turn good, I stil find it weird that the movies for kids nowadays are like this ba..

Today I went to AFAX (Anime Festival Asia) at Suntec. I will write a separate post on that ba.. Will be quite long :p I also went for a mass at Risen Christ. Woa it really felt weird that I did not feel "at home". And that supposedly is my parish le haha. The last time I was there was about a year ago I think. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised. Sunday evening mass used to be the most sucky and boring. But now they have a very good organist (not to mention that the chapel organ sounds fantastic anyway) and better/louder/more solid choir.

Ah that's all I guess.. I am sleep-deprived and I hope I can start mugging tomorrow ba

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