Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nice break

Thank God for the good-timed Deepavali holiday. I really need a BREAK! Gosh.. And this time I really used the break wisely. I slept thru more than half of the holiday. Haha.. No gaming no internet-ing etc. Really pure break: sleep. In the evening, I watched a few episodes of Desperate Housewives and that's it. Oh wait, I ran at night too! Haha.. That was my first ever since the Chinese 7th month. It felt kinda different though. Haha maybe it was placebo effect that it felt scarier to run during the 7th month. Lol. But I sucked ba.. I stopped after 10-15mins. Sigh.. Last time I could survive for 25-30mins leh! No wonder I am getting fatter again T_T

Yesterday I finally decided to go out and meet my Indonesian friend who moved here a few months ago to start working. I thought we could go to Marina Bay Sands but aah she went there already. As a good "host" (since I have been here for many many years), I asked her to choose a place and she chose Science Centre. Haha.. OMG! Oh well, I thought I had never been inside. After I saw the Tesla Coil thingy, I suddenly remembered that I had been inside! I forgot on what occasion. Actually Science Centre is not too bad ba. There are still many interesting things even for older people like me. In fact, some of the things would be too cheem for the kids I guess. The most interesting place, in my opinion, is the iSpace exhibition. It has all the futuristic stuff. Haha.. The home entertainment set was fantastic (I chose the Singapore Symphonic Orchestra). There are many wireless computer system so just use hand to play games, drag/click files etc. To be honest, I hope things remain as they are right now. It just feels weird to wave my hands/arms in the air trying to click/drag those damn files and cursors. Haha...

After that we had lunch at Jurong Point. I decided to try something I never had before from Swensens: the  apricot mayo fish thingy. It sucked. I could not taste the apricot mayo. It was not filling too. Oh wells =x Decided to get Wendys for dinner. Haha for the first time! Wendys menu has very little variety ba. Not really appealing to me. Lol. Taste-wise.. hem.. oh well, cannot expect much eh? After all, how much can burgers taste differently right?

I checked out CD stores and as expected, I Not Stupid Too is way too old. Sigh.. I think I won't be able to get the DVD eh? Sad.. Anyway there were a few Japanese series getting discounted to $5! Woohoo! I wanted to buy Godhand Teru but the shop only had 1 last set. I guess I will wait until tomorrow to get it from Plaza Singapura branch ba. I was still undecided to get Last Friends. The synopsis isn't too appealing but many reviews say that it is a good show! Ahh since it is also $5, I guess no harm giving it a try :D

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