Saturday, November 27, 2010

Air ^o^

I think this is the most uploaded picture in my blog haha..

Aaa~~h I am so ecstatic. After waiting and hunting down the book for YEARS (the book was out in 1999), I ordered the book on ebay and finally it came yesterday! I did not expect it to arrive so quickly so I was so delighted when I checked my mail yesterday.

The book is not perfect. Well considering it is at least 10 years old, I can forgive a bit of imperfections ba. Overall, I rate the condition as 90%. I am still satisfied. The content is fantastic! Really worth all my effort and frustration to get it. Lol.. Worth the price too haha.. There are 104 pages and only the last 8 pages are black and white!! Woohoo!! There are quite a lot of pictures which I never see before, not from the manga illustrations. So it is very exciting. And since the manga is not made into anime, all the pictures are hand-drawn. Pencil, ink, colour pencil, crayon.. OMG T_T Drool... Perhaps a decade ago, computer graphic was still unusual for many mangakas..

The only regrettable thing for me is that the mangaka chose to focus more on Naruse, Sawamura, Sakurai, and Kobayashi. With so many characters in the manga, she could draw more of the other people ma.. Anyway the other people are equally good looking too.. And where are the female characters?? I thought basketball mangas are for guys.. So shouldn't it have more drawings of the females? Haha.. Oh well, since the mangaka is a female, what to do.. But still, I LOVE THE BOOK! Lol..

So happy ^o^ Anyway my next hunt will be Weiss Kreuz books.. I am aiming for 4 books worth >US$100 (inclusive shipping cost). Actually there are still 2 books but I decided not to buy since they are more like manga (black and white pages). I prefer illustration books. And aaah.. that will complete everything from my childhood memories :D

Weiss Kreuz

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