Saturday, September 25, 2010

Experiment Results: FAIL!

I AM DAMN FREAKING PISSED!! Sigh.. I just wasted my Saturday in the lab for my stupid project! Haiz.. And guess what, after analysing the results, they were really big FAILURES!!! How can 2 different compunds give me the same UV absorption patterns!! Gosh.. One has benzene and the other has not but both gave me absorption at 260nm~.. I really feel like giving up on this stupid final year project! Grr...

I was super irritated because I had to concentrate one of my samples again. Grr... I saw the thing and it looked very dilute already. But my mentor asked me to add more water to wash the solid at the walls. Told him already that even centrifugation didn't work to flush those at the sides and he didn't believe. After adding the stupid water, it became too dilute for the UV to read... Grr.. Now ask me to centrifuge again! Zz... I have had enough of centrifuging the whole Saturday!! Aaargh!!!

I am down down down... I am tired.. I wanna do so many things: play games, watch movies, study for CA, work, rest, etc but I simply don't have the time! I am less that halfway for my CA revision and I am pissed that some people wrote wrong things. Thanks for wasting my memory space -_-" I am still utterly bitter regarding money with my parents. I don't know whether money is really the problem or it is just my escapism. Come to think of it, it has been 7 years that I earned nothing.. I have always been using my "own" money to support my life here.. Perhaps it is because that this money problem surfaces at the wrong time when I am really moody.

And to top up my suffering, my PSP is showing some problems. Few days ago, it didn't finish charging after 4hours. I decided that it was enough and when I played it, it only survived for less than 3 hours. I really think there is a problem with either the battery or the charger.. I shall see how it goes after few rounds of charging and playing.. Thank goodness both battery and charger are still covered within my 2 year warranty T_T

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