Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Year 4 finally...

Sigh.. This marks the coming of the end of my education. I am totally not looking forward to it.. I hate working life. I enjoy school life :D And university life is the best, especially with the freedom to skip lessons as and when I like it.

The first moment I saw the timetable, I was elated. 2 free days and 3 half days. Haha.. Wow!! Nice.. But it is all just a facade. Although there are only 3 modules this semester, the workload is just crazy. Haiz.. Pharmacotherapy is tough!! There is too much info. And to be honest, I think it's time for me to learn the drugs seriously and no longer just for exam purposes. And yeah I still have no time to do that. Research Methodology sucks. I just hate SPSS and all the bullcrap. There is an assignment given from the first day of the lecture. Sigh.. It will take me quite sometime.. Pharm Prac is the worst and crappiest module (well as always).. It is just so troublesome with all the nonsense. Bleah..

FYP has yet to start but I have felt unhappiness towards it even from the start. I have lots to curse about the balloting etc but oh well, as a believer of God, I believe whatever I got is His plan. And I am sure that would be the best for me. My supervisor seems to be good.. I hope we can clique well and we have similar working styles. I also hope the same thing with the grad student I would be working with.. There is a chemistry major student who is doing the exactly same project as me. I wonder whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. Sigh.. Anyway it is less than 1 month for the submission of the proposal. I am already very stressed. Up to this stage, I know nothing.. I don't know where to start. I don't know what I need to know. I don't know what I need to do. Basically I don't know anything! Next meeting will be on Thursday and I hope everything becomes clearer.

Oh well, I am feeling very sleepy and tired now. Had been having insomnia lately :( As usual, lack of sleep makes me a bit depressed and emo. I hate my classmates more and more. Haiz.. Sometimes I really think people should have more common sense. The whole stupid monograph thing all over again. Haiz.. 1 student can do 3-4pages and for 100 drugs, that means 300-400 pages thick! I rather hug my reference book and read from that. But for the sake of the selfish and brainless majority, I shall burn a few days of my life to reference the things sigh...

Moving on to better things, I just accompanied a friend of mine to attend a concert this evening. It was a vocal show accompanied by a piano. Well to be honest, it sounded very boring!! Haha.. Ironically, I actually enjoyed the show!! Haha.. The songs are not the typical boring boring classical opera songs. And I am really amazed (and jealous) with the vocals of the 2 singers. They were impressive! So yeah, it was good and not a waste of time yay! Definitely better than the guitar ensemble concert I watched last year XD

Final Fantasy IV (DS)

Wow another masterpiece by Square! Too bad it's in DS!! Waa.. I played the original FFIV and I seriously would like to replay it.. If only it's in PSP.. Haiz.. dunno why Square only halfheartedly made a remake! They should make it to be like FF Dissidia or Crisis Core!! Oh well, anyway, I am quite disappointed with the ending. The opening video is stunning (and I love the song!) but guess what they give as the ending: NO FMV!! OMGWTFBBQ!!!

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