Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fainted for the 3rd time...

Exam results were out and as usual I am disappointed. I didn't expect my PK to get A so it was a good surprise. Unfortunately, I didn't expect to do that badly for Anal and Pharmacotherapy. So ya.. ended up my CAP took another plunge. At this rate, I would be very borderline to 4.5 in 2 semesters time. I guess this is my limit and I should not overwork myself anymore. I felt a bit down and was thinking of not doing FYP haha.. I initially had the thought that people would just use FYP as a mean to axe down the borderline cases from getting first class.. But I had a senior (not from Pharmacy unfortunately) who got an A- even though she got 2nd upper eventually.. Then another good news was that another senior (in Pharmacy) got an A- for her FYP. Considering the horror stories she shared about her FYP, to get an A- had to be very very good. But I don't know whether she is a borderline case.. If she is a borderline case, then she is just a perfect encouragement for me. Borderline CAP + A- for i-feel-hopeless-for-FYP kind but managed to get 1st class. Haha.. Oh well actually it does not really matter for me to get what class. It is just that I don't want to waste effort lets say I do FYP even though no hope to get 1st class.. or just because of FYP my hardwork for 4years go to a waste..

Well enough about school stuff, I had more things burdening my mind. Good thing one was already solved yesterday: my prescriptions and drug info were signed already :) Hehe.. Another thing is about Korea which has not confirmed my payment for APPS. Sigh.. I am kinda desperate for this.. But then I really cannot do anything other than emailing them and receiving no reply.. Lastly, I have problems with my parents again. They do not approve me of staying at a girl's house at Korea. Sigh.. I really have got nothing to say. The girl has been my best friend since like ages ago (even before both of us went to study at different countries) and it would be like staying in the same house, not in the same room.. What's the big deal? Oh well, I don't know but I guess I don't care and would rebel against my parents this time.. They don't know what I will do in Korea anyway..

I have another bad news.. I fainted again today.. To make matters worse, I fainted during ward rounds, in front of patient. Sigh.. I am really worried because I don't know why.. The last times I fainted, I knew it was because of blood donation (hypotension) and because I skipped breakfast. But lately my meals were okay. And after fainting today, the nurse immediately did a finger prick and my reading was 4.7.. So it was not hypoglycemia.. My friend suggested the air was poor because the fan was off and the curtains around the bed was drawn (it was wound patient). Perhaps it was hypotension? I don't know.. What scared me most was that it took me quite sometime to recover.. Even after I got up and sat on a chair, I still saw stars.. Even after a glass of milo was prepared, I could not even see the glass T_T And worst is, I feel something funny on my head now.. I feel like a 'pressure' but not really a pressure like headache kind.. It feels like I am growing horn (one at each side) and something like that. Oh well, I just feel lousy..

Well I guess that's it, hospital is just not my place.. Perhaps I was disturbed with what I saw today.. It was not the wound that really grossed me out.. I was just disturbed to see people in pain. Before fainting, I saw another elderly patient with pressure ulcers. She was so thin, unimaginably thin. I really don't understand how can someone be that thin :( This is Singapore after all, not some starving African country or something.. Oh well.. The other patient (who saw me fainted) looked well, strong, and healthy. In fact he was ready to be discharged and could walk without pain despite the wound in the abdomen. But the moment the nurse wanted to touch the wound to check, he was writhing and spasming in pain.. I guess that really exceeded my treshold..

Aaah my head still feels weird.. I should see doctor if it is still like that tomorrow morning :(

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