Thursday, May 27, 2010

WAR at workplace..

Another week is just over yay!! Haha.. The bitch is getting bitchier and yesterday, the war finally broke out. It was not sort of a bitch war la.. It was just a further proof how fucked up the bitch is. We were discussing prescriptions and at one point of time, maybe she thought I did a shitty work. Lol.. So I was trying to explain that she should know that she was trained elsewhere, she didn't know about what we learn here or what they teach here. What we learn at school may not be totally applicable and that's why it is the chance now to find out what is important for counselling.. Bleah.. I could not finish my sentence and she kept cutting me.. Perhaps she thought I was getting angry and wanted to shoot her already.. So she kept on saying that she always got bad feedback about being strict, not nurturing, mean etc from year to year. I was like "wtf -_- I didn't even wanna talk about that". Lol.. She is totally fucked up I guess haha.. "Strict" is a positive word. But "not nurturing" and "mean" are certainly negative. So even after years of those things if she decides not to change, then I just have no comment...

Well, I have to admit that our expectations are just totally different. Perhaps she expects me to know many things or eager to learn many things etc etc.. Unfortunately what I want to learn are the topics taught at school last sem. I have no interest in learning things I have not learnt before. That explains my sucky attitude towards learning: I only want to learn what I want.. You force me to learn things I don't want is as good as me not learning anything. To me she failed in doing her work. She didn't teach what I wanted to teach. She didn't teach what she wanted to "teach" also. Her pedagogy is like super fucked up. She made students feel inferior and tell me how that is good for learning environment?

Well seeing the bright side, perhaps now I know how people are irritated with me most of the times. LOL.. Perhaps I am just as impatient as bitchy and as mean as her. Karma is such a bitch.. Now I am faced with myself.. Oh well, take it as a challenge! If I can overcome her, means I can even overcome myself LOL. Haha.. Another lesson I learn is that I am not all-good-boy kind. I literally cannot stand her. Even "grades" is not a good reason for me to put on a fake smile and act nice to her. Everytime she grilled me, I would give her black face, "wtf" face, bla bla bla haha..

Oh well, but after the "war" yesterday, she seemed to be friendlier today. Perhaps she knows that I am not that "bulliable" afterall. Haha.. Well I don't care.. I know I suck. But I know I suck because of her.. When she was mean in the process of helping me to dispense, I didn't actually take offense. Why? Because I want to learn!! But when she was mean about things I am not interested, then bye bye.. That is just calling for war!!

Here comes the good news ^^ She would be off to overseas for 2 weeks. Yay yay yay!! So rather than having 1 last week with her, I am left with TWO DAYS!! Mwahahaaha... Don't care liao.. I am expecting an 11/55. So since it cannot go any lower than 11, my expectation will be met anyway haha.. For someone who just wasted my holiday, wasted my opportunities to learn, I am not gonna give in and let her treat me like some shit..

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