Wednesday, April 28, 2010

PR 3106: Pharmacokinetics & Drug Disposition

I went to this exam with total surrender of 1 topic: dosing regiment. Luckily, God heard my desperate plea and nothing out of it came out. I am really really glad.. I wasted so much time to understand this topic (and I failed to do so) in the expense of mugging the tutorial questionts. Sigh. I got the feeling yesterday that I had to memorise Eli's questions because some would definitely come out exactly the same. I was right and I made mistakes.. To make matters worse, there was one question whose answer I changed 3 times and guess what: all 3 were wrong anyway.. Haiz.. There was another question similar to tutorial. I noted in the tutorial to check the uploaded answer at IVLE but thanks to stupid dosage regiment, I had no time to see that.. Well in any case: the benefit outweighs the disadvantage. I rather lose a few marks rather than losing an essay if dosing regiment were to come out as an essay..

Anyway the essay was doable.. But Eli's part is crappy.. He can teach pharm law too now.. Seriously some things are mathematically proven THAT way and there is no way to explain them. Haiz. I wish I scribbled some graphs to make my answer more marks-worthy but oh well, I realised it too late. The first essay was doable too..

The MCQs were rather terrible sigh.. I was hardly able to eliminate answers.. It was like: I know statement 2 and 4 are correct.. but not sure about 1.. Then the options had 1,2,4 and 2,4 only.. There were many of similar questions.. Kinda gg.. Bleah..

Anyways, I feel more alright after this paper as compared to law.. The pain of losing the 10 marks just like that is very sad.. together with losing my A.. and losing my first class (probably)..

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