Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nodame Cantabile - The Final Score part 1

It is another continuation of Nodame and Chiaki's journey in Europe. Just like the 2 special episodes, there will be 2 movies: the first one (this one) is more about Chiaki and the second one (will premiere in Japan in April 2010) will be more about Nodame's story. This movie mainly presents Chiaki's struggle to salvage a dying orchestra and Nodame's struggle to catch up with Chiaki in order to reach her goal to one day perform in the same stage with Chiaki.

My opinion:
The BEST nodame live-action so far. I am thoroughly amused and laughed for several times. I thought the SP last time were already very lame and hilarious and it is just unbelievable that the director still managed to come out with even more lameness and fun. The anime-ish cut scenes to depict Nodame's crazy delusions were just crazy. Lol.. some people may find it over-the-top but I find the scenes are still appropriate. The more hilarious parts are of course the lame acting scenes, complete with the lame facial expressions and lame voices: from a kamehameha fight, Nodame ran around happily to distribute flyers with the Hallelujah playing in the background., and Nodame attacked Chiaki out of jealousy. Haha.. The best part for me is still the acting on the parts of Tanya and Frank, especially when they were dying because of Nodame's curry (that reminds me with the crazy curry cooking lameness too lol). Chiaki made a lot of funny and disgusted expressions too! Haha.. But still, I don't like the parts where he throws around Nodame. And this time, it is really an eyesore because I can obviously see him throwing a manequin. A bit fake to me..

Story-wise, I think that the author has run out of ideas for Chiaki's story. The plot about him leading a half-baked orchestra is a repetition.. boring. In the drama, he was faced with fellow students busy with their own personal life and to me, that is almost the same with the adults busy with family and work in the movie. There is disharmony in the orchestra too, a problem he previously faced, just that the reason for the discord is different. A bit of failure to me.. I want a bit of realism so I also find it unrealistic for his new orchestra to prepare a concert is just 3 days and that concert turned out to be an epic failure. It's like a performer knows that they will present shit in a concert, something very unlikely to happen.

Nodame's portion is a bit better developed than in previous live-action. Here, she is shown to be more determined and at least she has a goal: to one day be on-par and can perform together with Chiaki. This is a great improvement than the mindless chasing after Chiaki previously. At the end, she is so sad when she realises that Chiaki is getting better and better and she wonders whether it is still possible for her to chase after him one day. However, Nodame's parts also have fair bits of repetitions. I hate the parts where she is jealous of Son Rui and her playing was affected: an exact thing happened before! Worse, she didn't want to perform (even when Chiaki invited her)! It looks more like she is being jealous, rather than she is feeling inferior to Son Rui in terms of playing. Bad bad..

Near the end of the movie, there is a short scene regarding the Japanese orchestra members. It is good to see the old characters back (in fact, the casts don't change.. I like haha.. I just hate to see change of casts in a series) but like in the SP, these characters seem to be fillers only, with no story regarding them. Though from the preview of the 2nd movie, these people would have greater role. Oh ya, the Jean and Son Rui are also a bit redundant here. I guess, they could just be removed. Son Rui appears just to make Nodame jealous? That's so o_0.. Jean is depicted to have a concert but that's just it. So he is there just for his girlfriend to have a kamehameha fight vs Nodame?? That's another o_0

My afterthoughts:
It is a great comedy. Hehe.. The music is still great too. Wow.. there are so many lesser-knowns great classical pieces out there ^^ However, I am glad and it is appropriate for the series to end soon. Yes, just another movie left to close the whole series. I can seriously tell that the author is running out of ideas and already hits a dead end to develop the characters. The more spin-offs made will just make "Nodame Cantabile" name only known as a comedy series.

I like the way the conflict between Chiaki and concertmaster is being resolved peacefully. This kind of conflict is very real in working life, especially as a junior/new employee facing an irritating senior/colleague/boss etc. If I were Chiaki, I would already screw the concertmaster lor! Haha.. I guess it's one lesson I can take.

I also see my working style is similar to Chiaki: I am mean, nasty, frank, blunt, and results-oriented. I don't give a damn on how much effort you put in as long as the result is shit, I will still call it a shit. I don't think it is wrong but I don't think it is very correct either. Well, whatever if it is, I hope that in the end of the day people will still say I do a great job. I don't care about the "rude", "bitchy", "nasty", etc parts as long as there is the "good job" part. Haha..

And again it is shown that jealousy and/or chasing after someone will not yield good result of happiness for the person. Jeez.. I will need a better reason to do something in order for me to do it well and not hating what I do.. So now the question is: must I do FYP? I hate it! I don't want to do it. I am doing it because so is everybody. Sigh.. That's not a good enough reason :(

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