Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I have not been writing for almost 2 weeks. Wow.. Haha... surely I will have a lot to say :p I shall start with the good things first ^^

My CAs have been okay so far. Hehe.. Not flying colours, but not too bad either. The important thing is I am satisfied :) Just had practical test today and I am so glad that suppository did not come out! Otherwise, it would be damn rush and stressful. I just hope that I did not do stupid mistake (a minor mistake but can cause me to get zero straightaway!). If everything is okay, I am sure I don't need the retest.

I have been busy playing FF7 Crisis Core and I am glad that I completed it yesterday (finally fiuh...). I can have a life outside PSP again finally. I shall write more about the game when I have free time. Lol. I spend less and less time on facebook. Particularly because I don't have those games that force me to log in every few hours. Yay!! Haha.. God is amazing indeed. Last Lent, I was addicted to Cabal. And when I was at the peak of my addiction: the server crashed and I could not log in for few days. Lol.. This Lent, a major change happens in Country Story and that makes me no longer wants to play the game. Lol.. Are they mere coincidences??

I finally passed the test and now a confirmed usher. Hehe kaching kaching that means a pay rise ^^. I worked for 2 events last Saturday and it was very tiring. It was quite 'boring' because both events were actually the same drama. But really, it depends on the audience. During the matinee, nobody laughed and the drama seemed to be very serious. But at the evening, everyone was laughing like crazy and it seemed like a comedy. I find the play very funny and interesting. But still, I hate plays! There are things which seem I cannot understand or are deliberately left unanswered for the audience. Now it's gonna tough for me to find an appropriate slot to work. Lol. As a newbie, I can sign up like 24hr before an event because there isn't much competition. But now.. lol.. must plan my schedule. Unfortunately I cannot sign up for anything yet..

Ok here is where the bad things start..

From this week onwards, I will have a CA or an assignment due at EVERY week. Haiz haiz haiz.. I am so sick.. I am getting very worried for my elective on next Tue. I really hope I can do better. There are more biochem stuff and less physics/calculations for the coming test so I hope I can pull up my grade. It is no joke if I end up getting a U :( I also have not started on my lab reports. Bleah.. And another chunk of drug names to be memorised for next Friday. Aaah..

CCA season is 'over' and I am positive that I have enough points :) But I am getting sick of some people who are very uncommitted and indecisive. Haiz.. Very pain in the ass to work with these kinds of people. They got not shame while mine is just too big. Bah bah bah.. Maybe my hypotension is getting worse that makes me damn moody and tired. I have enough sleep everyday but I keep feeling tired. Something is wrong with me!

Anyway, my tiredness makes me very irritable with people around me, especially my classmates. Bleah.. now I realise that I don't like A LOT OF THEM! Gosh.. Must choose my hospitals soon and I hope I get a near one on top of not stuck in the same place with people I don't like. I shall not elaborate or otherwise I can keep on ranting until tomorrow morning..

And today, I learnt that 2 of my friends are already attached. Huhuhu.. when will my turn come??? And I finally overcame my laziness to dig out my stuff to find the manual for my watch (I thought I left it at home but actually it's with me here lol). I cannot stand it anymore, it is getting way too fast then the actual time. I managed to change it back :) though at one point of time, I was thinking of just throwing it (only $30 anyway and it's been 3 years) and just get a new one. Haha.. It's gonna take sometime for me to adjust to the 'correct' timing shown by my watch now. Lol..

Ok bed time liao...

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