Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good mood hehe..

My mood is pretty good today after the test. Haha.. so surprising rite? Firstly, I realised that my first CA was upon 20. Thus my 13 was not too bad.. Lol.. at least it was not 'barely pass'. I guess I should be able to get an S for the elective. Today was the second CA and I felt much much more confident than the first one. There was less calculations and those few calculation questions were pretty straight forward. More questions were related to RNA/DNA/protein so they were more doable for me. I hope I score pretty high and can safeguard my ass, I mean my S. There is still another CA which carries 50% and I am pretty worried for that one. After physics, bio, and chem, the next part of the lessons would be about computing, something I totally never do before. Since I am already struggling like mad for physics that I used to do, haiz... I need God's help for the upcoming CA.

Just had tutorial on a case of Diabetes+HTN+dyslipidemia. To be honest, I am quite surprised that I can recognise the strings of drugs used. Lol.. Though it is not so useful if I don't know the dosing and side effects etc. But still, I think it's quite amazing to be able to recognise them. Lameness aside, I have pretty much to prepare for this Friday's test: COPD and HTN. Sigh.. I am feeling very tired today and I don't think I can study. That leaves me tomorrow and thursday. I am crossing my fingers here. Haiz..

Time flies so fast and New Prince of Tennis has reached chapter 25. I finished everything on Sunday. Lol. To be honest, I feel the plot was rather sucky and lame. Gosh.. the training is getting more and more 'adventure-like' like those from Naruto or One Piece kind. Lame... Then it's just ridiculous to see secondary school kids play against high school kids. It's just not possible at all levels.. Imagine the difference in the physique alone! Bah.. Though it is good that Ryoma lost (at least that makes the story more realistic) even if it was not shown on how he lost. And I certainly like to see Yukimura beat Sanada. Wow.. Apparently his YIPS-thingy can even affect the best players. Hehe.. Shall see how the story develops.. but I don't put my hopes so high. Haha..

SNSD? What's that? Lol! I am pretty shocked that despite readings newspaper quite often, I don't even know the latest in thing! Gosh.. I even know about Super Junior and their "Sorry Sorry". Perhaps they are not famous enough? Lol.. But apparently they are very famous. Hehe.. I am not a fan though. Pretty? Yes. Dance moves are quite impressive and cute too. But their acts are a bit too 'sweet' and 'cutesy' for my liking.. Urgh.. cant take it... Just not my type of girls. Haha.. I rather those feminine, sexy (but slutty), sensual types. This group is just too flirty and bitchy for me. The songs are not that appealing too. Sorry girls.. Please sell your talents (songs, dance, face) instead of selling sex appeal LOL. At least last time, I do agree that Wondergirls and its "Nobody" song are pretty good :)

A very catchy tune according to a friend of mine.. But I beg to differ.

And to my friends who are big fans of that group, I always let them see this video to tease them. Hahaha.. They will go "ewwww" and "eeeek"

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