Friday, February 12, 2010

I am pretty saved for pharmacotherapy CA. Hehe.. That does not mean I did well. I say so just because there was no case review question for the essay part. Lol.. Unfortunately, my strings of good luck just ended there. My gem CA results were released and I just got a pathetic 13 marks.. I think (rather, I hope) the total mark for the paper was 25.. I hope it was not 30 T_T.. I counted that there were 21 people lower than me and 19 people with the same marks. So I guess, I still can get an S for it haiiz...

I had another blood donation on Wednesday. The more I have donation, the lousier I feel during the donation. I don't know why I always feel tired, sleepy, giddy even before the donation. Sigh.. it was the 3rd time in the row that the doctor told me that my bp is on the lower side. Thank God I did not have any giddiness. But I downed too much water that I felt very bloated and sick after the donation.. Grr.. I checked with my father and he told me that it is already a familiar trait of having low bp -___- that means last time what the person said when I had my aura photography was right..

Anyway now the Hb test was much cooler. They no longer used the blue solution. Now they used machine. Haha.. unfortunately, the lancet really sucks. It was really painful.. much more than what it used to be. I checked with my friends and they all felt that it was super painful. Ah anyway, during the anaesthetic injection, it somehow felt more painful than usual too. Bah... Perhaps I should take a break of donating blood...

Labs were pretty good this week. For PA, I did a great job hahaha.. My colour separation was damn nice.. Perhaps because I just drew the arcs in one stroke.. That's why when the colours were separated, they came out nicely. This week the suppositories were to be submitted and I am glad that I managed to make 5. Bleah.. the one I expected to fail turned out to be nice while the one I thought gonna be nice turned out to be chipped when I opened the mould. I hope suppository will not come out for test haiz.. I still have not reached to proper "pourable" state though ironically, I reached the "overheated" state already -___-. The data fitting lab on Thursday was quite hilarious. My group's data had 0.999 correlation!! Lol.. For that set, we didn't fake.. The other experiment where we faked did not turn out to be nice! Haha.. I guess that's justify that by being fast, we did not compromise our accuracy ^o^.. The slowpokes just suck.. alr did very slowly yet still get lousy results LOL

I guess that's all for today.. The next time, I will write a CNY-related post hehe...

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