Friday, January 22, 2010

Bye bye Dumbo.. Bye bye Bugs Bunny..

I skipped lecture because I thought I wanted to sleep. Apparently I could not.. I am still to sad over the loss of my Dumbo and my Bugs Bunny.. and ended up wasting my time and my tears sob sob.. My mum irritated me more with her stupid comments like "Buy a new one" or "Buy a better one". I felt like replied back "What do you feel if your kids are gone after you take a good care of them for 10 over years? Go adopt a new and better one?".. Haiz damn.. I just kept quiet..

Just like I never like to play with cats anymore ever since my first kitten died, I guess I would never get new dolls.. It seems that time and memory play crucial factors.. Even with Hamtaro (my companion in Singapore.. my very first soft toy here.. and it cost only $6), I don't have that much sense of attachment as compared to my old toys back home..

I could not remember when I got dumbo. I only remembered I whined a lot to get it.. And I am pretty sure that it was not from my parents.. I think they never bought me any dolls (which sane parents will buy their sons dolls?). It was my fattest and biggest doll (my other dolls are skinny rabbits) so it was my only huggable one :( I used to play it with my sister as the "airplane" for our favourite yellow rabbit doll :) He flied by flapping his ears, he could squirt water through his nose, and he could do magic with his hats.. Not to forget that due to its size, I used it a lot to 'kick' my sister or threw it at her and vice versa.. Such memories T_T

The soccer Bugs Bunny was my first ever Bugs Bunny doll.. That time there were so many themed Bugs Bunny items.. I remembered that I still have the celebrity style (it has been gone since my house was renovated.. and I could not locate it yet) and the swimming one was from my aunt when she went overseas. The soccer one was a birthday present from my cousin and her ex boyfriend. Yup.. that time I was so crazy about Bugs Bunny and my parents would not buy it for me.. So I was so happy when I got it.. It was given with one set of pictures for me to coloured as that time I was still good in drawing and colouring.. Haha.. Nobody likes Bugs Bunny in my house.. Everyone calls it skinny rabbit.. and my sister always says that his face is so naughty. Because of that, all my Bugs Bunnies had naughty characteristics lol.. Always used them to kick and slap my sister and among the many dolls I have, I only don't let my Bugs Bunnies to be touched..

What makes me more irritated is the fact that both were not bought by my mum.. When my house was renovated, they were misplaced by her.. She forgot where she put. I had to dig out the whole store room to get them back.. I was so angry when I finally found them dirty.. but still, I took them with me and put them on my bed.. That was when (luckily) I still got the chance to picture them. After that, I had to come back for school already so I asked help for them to be washed.. And ended up missing.. sigh.. Not buying.. Misplacing and making them dirty.. not finding and finally losing them.. I really have nothing else to say :'(

Gone is gone.. after all they are just "things".. dead.. soulless and lifeless.. it's my childhood memories of playing with them and with my sister that made them special.. I try to tell myself that at least they had make me so happy and left me with so many years of good memories.. Perhaps it's time for me to pass them on.. and hopefully they would bring their new owners the same happiness and the same good memories that I had..

But the thought of them being abused and spoilt by strangers is so painful :( Afterall, I take a good care of them for 10+ years.. I still cannot believe that the Bugs Bunny price tag and the Warner Bros tag that I keep last longer than the doll itself. Sad sad sad...

Gosh.. I hope my eyes and face are okay for my performance later :'(

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