Sunday, November 29, 2009

PP 2107: Pharmacology II ; PR 3102: Dosage Form Design II

PP 2107 - Pharmacology II
I was lucky!! That's all I have got to say :) The 2 topics that I spotted came out (Dopamine and Typical vs Atypical antipsychosis). Haha.. So yeah.. It was not like last semester when most questions I had things which I did not know and ended up trying every question and wasting time. This is the first paper (in university) that I managed to complete before time. OMG!! Yeah I am quite confident and hopeful for this module to salvage me..

However, my luck is just shit.. Right after the paper, the CA result was released. And I got a fuCking C! Yes! Big fat fucking C. Jeez.. bye bye to A liao.. Damn I really fucking hate the teacher.. I hope he die from having his fuCking Cranial being Crushed by a big truCk! Die you fuCking shit..

PR 3102: Dosage Form Design II
I ran out of my luck. I spotted wrong question. Haiz.. I totally could not do the SAL question. It was damn easy. Just need to vomit out all 12 slides or so and could have gotten the full marks. HAiz.. I did not expect such a stupid part would be asked. So I just read to understand. I could not vomit out word per word. Haiz.. the overkill with factor of 12 was like I never read before sigh.. I still stated clearly that overkill needs factor of 6. Haiz.. die die die..

I guess that concludes my series of entries about this sem. Haiz..
The most fucking sem.. I will get a F-U-C-K or S-H-I-T as grade haiz..
Damn damn damn..
Fuck fuck fuck..
Shit shit shit..

I shall start writing normal things tomorrow..

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