Monday, October 19, 2009

The first out of the so many CAs was just over today. Yay!! It was not as bad as the first CA. I was so stressed mugging for the past few days but hey I was surprised that I actually had time to do a 2nd round. Perhaps that is the reason that I could remember more things and found the test more doable than the first one (I only did 1 round for that). Still, it is not a bright outlook for me. Even with only 8 chapters being tested, I completely forgotten a few drugs during the test. I could not even remember from which sets of notes. Sigh.. wat to do? With so many -zepines, -zepams, -dines, even fentanyl and felbamate sounds very similar to me o_0

Upcoming hell: Pathology!! In terms of number of chapters, it is more or less the same as pharmaco.. BUT.. each chapter of patho has about double the number of slides of pharmaco notes.. and even worse, I will busy for 4 days with my CCAs this week. That means I have double the amount to mug in half of the time as compared to pharmaco.. Die die die die die...

Just went to see my dentist.. Haiz.. every visit he will tell me that my braces will be off in 1-2 visits time.. Haiz.. but really dunno when it will end sigh sigh..

Anyway, there are some Japanese songs with familiar tune.. I really wonder whether these songs are originally Japanese..

The next song I am 100% sure is not Japanese in origin.. But I really cannot recall what was the first song of this tune that I heard. Haha..

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Wah.. this is my very FIRST experience uploading a file online. Lol..

That's all for today (or perhaps for the week LOL...)

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