Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Haiz.. it is very sad.. but I really have to say bye bye to my PSP already.. Not only that the shop recommended to me no longer does modification.. not only that there is no stock.. today the price of the PSP has gone up by $50.. Jeez... And to my friend who did not wanna help me buy on saturday, yes.. goodbye to you too.. Let me assure you that your unhelpfulness is as good as killing me already.. Congratulations..

Haiz.. This is damn ridiculous.. But I think I am on my way to IMH soon.. Just because I cannot get my PSP, my body and my mind really feel like exploding.. Im too full of anger and disappointment.. I cannot be bothered about school or anything anymore.. I lose my hope and drive to live also.. Haiz.. Life is so dull and boring. I am getting sick of Cabal and facebook applications.. So I was really looking forward to a PSP-filled holiday.. but now.. I really have no idea how I am going to spend my holiday.. Damn sian..

I went to dentist just now.. I went to HMV.. oh la la.. FF Dissida game is damn bloody expensive. My eyes almost popped out when I saw $81+ on the price tag.. Holy cow!! I checked out Taka too. It was cheaper $55 haha... Still so bloody expensive.. I always thought that Taka price includes 1 or 2 free games. I am super wrong.. In fact, I have to buy at least 1 game from them if I wanna get my PSP from them.. Ckckck.. Considering the damn shop increased the price by $50 already, I think it is not bad to buy at Taka.. add the $50 for the game.. Though that will mean I am spending $350 just for a game.. Aaargh!! That is super dumb!!

My dentist told me if I am happy with my teeth already, the braces can be removed at the next visit.. Haha.. Should be a good news eh? Still.. that did not help to lift me out of my depression.. haiz.. Even the magical effect of sugar+saturated fats+cholesterol which helped me yesterday can no longer create a miracle today..

Fiuh.. thank God it's no lesson day tomorrow.. I guess I can slack a bit.. Although I really have no idea what I can do anyway.. Lab is a bit jialat but oh well, what is Thursday for? Haha..

Weather is bloody hot too..
Grr.. everything seems to be wrong in my life..
I hope I can quickly leave this world..
I hope I can die peacefully in my sleep ^o^
I feel like a zombie anyway.. no purpose and no motivation to continue my life..

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