Sunday, August 30, 2009


Waa my study plan was ruined yesterday. A friend asked me to go a 2hr dungeon with him and I ended up playing up to 4hrs last night. Haha.. Crazy cabal is sucking my life away. I ended up sleeping at 2. And guess what, I need to be at school at 630 this morning. So I only had like 3 hours plus of night sleep.

So what is so good about this event I signed up for? Lol.. the answer is nothing!! OMG! It was worse than the event last week. The queue for the helper was longer than the participants. They had so many helpers until there were no enough t-shirts for the helpers. Madness.. There was no duty allocation. At some point of time, one of the organisers would come and shout "Can I have xx volunteers come with me please". So -_-

So what happened to me? I ponned.. Lol.. I was lucky that I got the LAST piece of shirt.. I signed attendance and I left haha.. I totally cannot be bothered anymore. Someone e-mailed the organiser regarding cca points and only 2 points will be awarded. It is useless so I do not care! Haiz.. but now I feel guilty because I stole that last shirt T_T I hope bad karma and retribution will not come back and haunt me.

Anyways I had a bad morning. I never know that there are two different stairs from KE7 to Science.. I took my group to the wrong one this morning and ended up losing our way in NUH.. Trust me! Hospitals are freaky at the dawn.. I was surprised to see the kids in the Children Ward are already up that early.. I HOPE what I saw were real kids!!

I picked up my cheque from Watsons on Friday and yay I am so happy!! Haha.. Got money lol.. even though the amount was not that fantastic.. Haiz and my friend came to tell me that Final Fantasy Dissidia US version is out.. AAAARGH!!! That's a very big temptation for me.. Anyways.. I have been telling myself that I will buy psp when the US version of the game is out.. And now it is really out.. I watched the trailer at youtube.. and I am really drooling.. One sad thing about the game is just: the US voice actors suck!! Haiz.. Why is not there an option for Japanese dub with English subtitle.. Haiz haiz..

It's mirrored so it may look pretty weird.. But hey.. I downloaded the proper version already!! Lol.. Squall vs Sephiroth FTW!!

And this is the video that drive me nuts to buy the game!! Can have different costume OMG that is sooo coool!!!

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