Saturday, August 15, 2009

New sem.. New mindset..

Year 3 has only begun but I feel as if my uni life will come to an end very soon. It seems like there are still so many things I wanna try and I wanna do but there is no time to experience them anymore. Sob sob.. Anyways, I have decided that I will do things I never do before for this year since it is like the last opportunity already.

Firstly, (Thank God) I managed to join Red Cross :) I want to learn First-Aid since I am totally noob about it. Based on my preceptorship experience (I do not even know the difference of the different types of bandages and I also do not know what First Aid Box contains), it is something that I cannot run away from in the future when I work. So it is good to learn now. Haha... The CCA looks damn serious and xiong.. Lol.. And I felt them old during the orientation today as there were not many year 3s. Haha.. I was a bit (actually it was more of VERY) irritated with some people from some countries. Jeez.. Act as if they are good leaders or something -_-I just hope the exco will mostly be the locals. Lol..

I did not really know many people from today. Haha.. My memory is just bad.. Combine that with names in foreign language and I totally cannot remember names. Haha.. Must work together then can remember I suppose. Few things that I learn today: I fall on "reluctant leader" category; working with P.R.I.D.E means people run I do extra; cats' bite is more dangerous than dogs' (I thought can get rabies from dogs?); and many more. Lols... Anyways the First Aid lessons will kick of only in September.

Their OCIP project looks very interesting to me, even though it will be in China. Haha.. The last year's project was also in China and I saw snow! Lol.. and the living conditions did not look too bad either. But sadly, the trip will be May-June so I can say bye-bye. Since it will be my last chance to go APPS next year, there is no way I can change away the preceptorship. Sucks la...

Next week will be UCC interview. Since I missed out Exxon interview etc, I decide that I should try out this one even though the return is money instead of cca points. I asked my friend and I suppose 3 shows per month commitment is not that easy to fulfill. Haha lets see how it goes..

I am also thinking of running for Angklung exco. The post I am most interested is Student Conductor but I am really worried that the practices will clash with other things then I cannot go. Haiz haiz.. Headache sia..

Liddat then lessons how? I still have a friend asking me to play tennis somemore! Lol.. everyone says this sem is the worst. I can roughly feel the momentum is building up. So far first week was good enough. I managed to do the tutorial 1 week beforehand. But I still need to read the book because I do not really understand about the thyroid thingy.

Aaargh stress liao.. I wonder how I aced my JC so well: all A, 3 ccas, 2 exco, 2 olympiads, 2 S papers with very little problem. Now I am like doing rubbish in uni... The difference between uni and jc is only laptop and internet.. These are very detrimental eh?? Bleah... I guess I have to sacrifice my life in front of computer and start more useful things.

Hmm I guess that's all about my busy first week.. Haha I hope after few weeks, I will start to lose weight. That's a good thing on being busy (not busy body :p).. I do not need to exercise but can lose weight haha..

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