Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Converse Bag

My Converse Bag was given to me by a group of friends as a birthday present when I was in JC1. That makes it 4 years old right now. Haha.. It is time to retire.. After washing and putting it in dryer twice, it has since lost its solid tone and became saggy.. The white parts (especially the strap) are beyond hope.. The colour cannot return to the original glorious white.. The last damage on the bag was a drop of mayonaisse+chilli+tomato+wasabi+etc combo. It occured during one of my friend's crazy birthday celebration.

So what makes me decided to change (aka buy a new bag)? This morning I found out that the zip was broken.. I could not zip the bag anymore.. Hence I bought a new bag.. However, it seems that my bag know I am going to throw it away soon. It played a prank on me!! Guess what, on the way home (after buying a new $44.95) bag, I could zip it back!!

But oh well.. Too bad.. I decide that it is time to discard the bag..

Sayonara my Converse bag.. You have done a great service.. in Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, ,Thailand, and Cambodia.. It's time for you to rest..

You have taught me "style".. though sling back will be hazardous to my back and shoulder bone in the future.. and you have taught me that next time, I need to get a bag which will not be so obviously seen when it ages.. That's why I am buying a black bag :)

The green hook is an additional one.. So as to distinguish it from other similar bags ^^

My heart aches when I see the sagginess and the wrinkles..
It is so difficult in deciding to throw you away as nowadays bags only have 1 front compartment.. T_T

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