Sunday, June 28, 2009


Today was my first time to JB. Haha.. That is like after 6 years+ in Singapore.. So near yet so far... Lol.. Nothing really fantastic though. It's typical of Asian cities.. just like Jakarta, Bangkok, Cambodia.. 1 thing for sure, the prices of the items are damn cheap. Haha.. It is like having 50% of Singapore items.. Too bad this does not apply to groceries. Lol..

I bought (more of my aunt bought for me) a pair of shoes. It was RM 120+ Wakaka... 70% sale.. The salesman said it was good for badminton.. Ooh la la.. too bad when my year 1 frens (oops they will be year 2 liao) ask me for badminton, my time table never fits. Hope that it gets better next sem and I can make use of my new shoes.

Other than that, the only significant thing to me is the curry puff.. I never really like curry puff. But the one that I had today was great. There was a SWEET taste in it.. That made it very much different from the boring hot and spicy curry puff.

And yesterday, 2 great artists passed away. First is Farrah Fawcet. She is one of the earlier Charlie's Angels member. Second is Michael Jackson. Woa.. It's true.. The King of Pop has died.. Never really liked his songs (except Heal the World) but he has great voice.. And his songs when he was still kids are quite good.. it's a pity that he died in the midst of his comeback plan in July.. And I wonder.. isn't 50 years old too young of an age to die because of a cardiac arrest??

Haiz.. I get the news about MJ death from my friends' Facebook status.. Cool eh? Facebook can be a new media :)

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