Thursday, April 9, 2009

I not stupid, I an Idiot

Tomorrow is Good Friday so I shall spew all the bad things and vulgarity today.

The torture of school still hasn't ended..
Let me start with the shortest story first: Drug Quiz. Haiz.. It was another bloody fuck shit asshole paper.. Not as bad that the second quiz but it was still shitty. Darn.. Why the fuck only the things which I never read that are tested?

Next on my curse list is Biotech. I totally did not understand what was going on for the past 2 lectures. The teacher was happily saying things and examples which were not even in the notes. The notes were already confusing and she made it even more confusing. And I still don't understand what basepairs mean in a DNA strand.. My understanding is that "pair" means 2 nucleotides (1 in each strand). But how come in many of the examples when watever used is 1 strand, the number of nucleotides is always mentioned as basepairs? T_T I am totally confused..

Here comes the finale, the module I hate most is the Microbi(o)tch. 2 quizzes down the drain so far.. There is no way that I can remember the bloody 20pgs+ for 5 MCQs.. and worse: even if I memorise the whole thing, there are still questions not from the sets given to me. Dumb teacher seriously! Talk so much -_- act enthu.. but it's not like he is listening to the presentations. Such a waste of time...

Oh well.. I should really listen to what the pastor told me yesterday..
1) You will pass
2) Don't worry about things that you cannot do anything
3) Count the many things you have and do not focus on the few things you do not have
4) Take life easier..

Sigh... It is easier said than done.. How I wish I can do all those things and do not pressurise myself.. Haiz.. I will die in a young age.. I am sure about that. I was so upset about game last night that my heart literally jumped. Too bad I didn't die.. It would be great to die exactly on same date I was born.. My tombstone will look damn cool

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