Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wrong course

School is battering my self-confidence again and again.. After the pathetic showing of Pharmacy Practice II, my Natural Heritage result also didn't correspond to the confidence I had after the paper. Sigh... Is it something wrong with me? Or is there something wrong with the computer? Sucks sucks sucks..

The nightmarish week is finally here. Biotech test on Tuesday and Pharmaco on Wednesday. Lucky the Pharmacy Practice II Quiz II is pushed back by a week. Cannot imagine if it is not. Lol.. Oh well.. I am hoping to do well for Biotech. It is not as bad as the lectures after I try to study the notes. Haha...

Pharmacy Practice I and II: Did badly for I and doing badly for II. Retail is out for me
Pharmacology: Struggling even to memorise things. Will also do badly. No hospital for me
Which is why I am banking on Biotech to save me, my dream, and my future... If industry is also not suitable for me, I don't know what else to do -_-.. Marketing? My Econs was not bad last sem.. Sigh..

School really stresses me up.. In fact, I jumped out of my bed this morning because of a nightmare: Adrenergic is included for Wednesday's test. Lucky it was only in my dream...

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