Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Vices of school...

During reading week or any test preparation, the life cycle is only sleep - eat - study - sleep - eat study.. The tendency to be very lazy is so huge.. Any random news in newspaper or internet suddenly becomes very interesting. Basically everything becomes more interesting than lecture notes.

As the exam comes nearer and as an immense amount of time has been wasted to study, the lust to grab all the A+ is just too great.

After doing exam, my heart swells with pride. "Oh yeah.. The paper wasn't bad. I could get all the A+ and my awards".

When results are out, wrath takes over. "How the F can I not getting my A+? What a lousy teacher I have."

Mix envy to the feelings when seeing other people are the ones snatching away your A+ and A. "Why are these people doing so well? Dammit!! Doing well is not the issue. The issue is doing better than me! Oh well, I hate smart people.. especially those smarter than me!"

Okay.. exam/tests are over now. I shall enjoy good buffet and shop like mad to soothe my aching heart T_T Well, even if I am getting my A+, I will still indulge to celebrate my achievement.

And then come the realisation that I am too poor to buy anything. I want to buy this expensive toy, want to eat that expensive food, want to get that latest gadget and the list goes on.. I wish I have more money. Yah... I wish I am born with a golden spoon and can just buy anything I want.. Money money money is all that matters...

That explains why I feel that my life is so empty and useless... I have been spending my last 6 years of my life in endless cycles of the 7 deadly sins..

NB: I am damn bored.. and so lazy to study for my drug test.. and utterly disappointed that the bloody Cabal failed me when I went to Lake.. Holy crap... played for hours without any DC.. enter the lake and tada... DC..

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