Monday, March 30, 2009

Empty head

Nightmare continues....
Prac tests this Tuesday and Friday
Drug quiz next Wednesday
Pharmaco CA next next Wednesday..

In the midst of my sad life, I shall share some good things.. Yeah.. lucky it was not all gloom and doom.

On Friday, I went with my year 1 friends to celebrate 2 girls' birthday. Haha.. going out with them is always refreshing and good. No talk about school stuff (even if they talk about their stuff, I won't be stressed up because I went through that stage already), lame jokes, crazy things we do, and basically having fun. Haha... Great time indeed.. Another celebration is coming up this saturday and I am really looking forward to it! Lol.. Drug quiz is hopeless so nevermind to lose one day for that.

I only slept for 4 hours for the past 24 hours. I just had CAC+us Angklung performance. That will be my final performance for this year. Yay.. less and less CCA commitment :) 'Wasted' 1 whole day but at least I finished 3 out of 4 practicals. Lol.. Can remember or not is another story yeah? It was a great performance.. seriously.. Haha.. and I had fun lol.. Surprisingly, the audience's response was overwhelming.. That's the irony about Angklung. The concert organisers always treat us like some shit group but the audience always loves us..

Talking about CCA, the cut off point for PGP this year is 31. Holy crap.. I am working like a dog for nothing.. Seeing at the bright side: next year I can slack.. I am very tired.. and thus I am bloody damn pissed with my incompetent and irresponsible committee.. Such a pain working for them..

Haiz... oh my oh my... I am complaining again.. I just receive a scolding from yesterday mass. I cannot recall what the whole homily was all about. But I remembered that the Priest said something about SOMEONE WHO COMPLAINS EVERYTIME ABOUT EVERYTHING OR ANYONE. Hmm.. That's so ME!! No wonder I feel that my life is lousy... I wish I have never been born..

Oh.. almost forgot about Earth Hour. I did switch off my everything for 1 hour. :D

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