Saturday, March 21, 2009


I am feeling better now. Better but not back to original state of mind. I don't know whether it is because of the Homily today or it is because I am too tired to feel sad+angry+disappointed for more than 1 week already.

Still bad weeks are here to come. 2 tests next week. Lab test next next week. Then next next next next week there will be another drug test. And I don't know which next next ... week the second Pharmaco test. I really have no drive to study.. What on earth am I studying for? And what on earth am I living for? Sigh.. I seriously unmotivated. I cannot remember the things I am memorising (now I understand why a senior always says there is an eraser in her head). Poor memory is one thing but I totally don't like doing what I am doing right now. Preceptorship is coming very soon and I am very worried about it. I think I will just drug my customers to death and then I will be sued and get jailed. Sad life.. Must know how to recognise symptoms, must memorise what diseases, what to give, what/when not to give. It's as good as a doctor making a diagnosis already.. Then why the pay is disgusting low? Oh well, even if the pay is high, I still won't enjoy this kind of thing.. I rather go to industries even though my Biotech test went absolutely off tangent.

PGP is also giving me a headache. I am not revering to P glycoprotein by the way.. My residence will be closed for the holiday and yes I have to move to another room even though it is for vacation stay. Holy crap! I don't want to count how many times I have to pack and unpack this holidays. Sad life..

Why is everything going wrong in my life nowadays? Haiz... School, CCAs (I am too lazy to blabber about them), friends, family life, faith.. Haiz.. I guess my first sentence is wrong. I am not feeling better. I just feel SLIGHTLY better :(

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