Monday, February 16, 2009


Today is a really mood rollercoaster day for me.. The weather is getting sucky and I woke up 3x during my sleep last night. I finally gave up on trying to sleep and woke up at 630. After that I wasted my morning away playing Pet Society oh well..

After that I had to go for CCA. I intended on going off at 11 because I had not printed notes and I intended on seeing my Microbio results. Guess what? The kids were pretty good today. Haha.. I had fun.. I sweat a lot playing with them at the playground under the sun. I was pushing swing for a girl for dunno how long.. And there was this one boy who kept blabbering in Hua Yu... The only thing I understand from him is 'Kor kor'. Lol.. I not only accompanied him to play but he forced me to play with him. Yeah.. that included the human seesaw (butt and leg exercise) and he even pushed me down the slide with him. Haha... I think it is quite interesting if I have a brother. Lol. Oh ya, the girl was also insisting on having me play the swing after her. So I had so much fun and did not leave at 11. I left at 1140. I was worried that the little boy would cry if I left but luckily he didn't. I think all the games tired him out. That was good. I never expect to find a non bratty Singaporean kids. Though I was tired like hell, I still think the games I played in Cambodia were worse. Lol...

After up, it was another down. I didn't know how to interpret Microbio results. So fast forward and I was so upset and stressed for the upcoming (like still when huh?) microbio prac test.. Add with the stress I had for drug test. Oh crap, I had not even finished 1 round of mugging. Sigh.. I am left with tomorrow only.. It is just... WTH.. 5 stack of notes + 24 drugs to be memorised only for 25 questions. Oh ya, I skipped Natural Heritage to check my petri dishes. Sad...

I had afternoon nap and when I woke up I felt damn sick. My head was dizzy (even up to know) and my hands were shaking.. Skipping lunch + insufficient sleep + hot weather + excercise + STRESS are just a very potent mix. Haiz... I just want this week to quickly over.. I am damn stressed for my cca project. Haiz...

I went for Angklung to avoid fire drill. And I enjoyed the practice. Lol!! We were trying Mamma Mia and the instructor was kind of hyper today. So it was so fun and full of laughter and nonsense. Didn't regret going..

And the day ends with a somber mood again.. The air in my room is stagnant. The bloody fan is a fxxker la... The technician is also an axxxxle.. Already spoilt still say not..

I shall do my asthma today... Then tomorrow I shall see how much I can cover/remember.

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