Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darn darn darn......

I tried different brands of coffee but none had been successful to keep me awake during lecture.. I had a good 8.5hours of sleep last night but I was still sleepy today.. Seriously.. something is wrong with me.. My body wants to rest forever perhaps? I also want to rest in peace... Too tired...

I spent 2 hours to do Pharmaco SDL today. I just did not expect it would take that long. What is worse is that I still didn't complete the thing. I anyhow finished the worksheet but I only completed the lecture portion on the agonist. The rest I just skipped because 2 hours were way too long already..

I still heard nothing about my community service project contacts... I guess the same thing is for the retreat places..

Valentine's Day is coming and I just emptied the content of my wallet... Sigh... I seriously still think that Valentine's Day is for GIRLS to give guys things and not the vice versa... Oh well... I still cannot keep on receiving things for 2 years without giving back right? It's time.. Lucky I have no valentine... Lol cannot imagine I need to spend lots of dollars for valentine's dinner and present? Oh pweaseee...

Update on my revision: about 12 slides today -_-... I already stopped playing my computer games.. But I still have no time... Shucks...

Despite the crap I endure day in and day out, something good happened to me today. My friend gave me self-made chocolate cookie!! Yay!! Haha.. It is damn nice :) Just need a softer texture and tadaaa... it will be equivalent to Subway Double Choc cookie. Hehe... Quite rare to have food that evokes happiness in such a picky person like me.

Oh ya, today I was so lucky to get called during lecture.. By my surname.. Wow fantastic.. Upon the 3 words in my name, why did the teacher pick my surname? The whole class laughed gosh... and I was like not paying attention and didn't realise that I was the one being called.. Well, out of the 3 words in my name, I hate my surname most.. Even before someone with the same name made everyone ill-feel of the name last semester. Mwahaha...

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