Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Remembering 2008... Hoping for a better 2009...

2008 has been a mixed year for me. It is a year of irony and contradiction. I had so much fun and excitement, even though school work really weighed me down. I made some new friends although my friendship with my old friends took a U-turn and I feel more lonely. My spirituality should grow this year but somehow it was the opposite that I am experiencing. Yeah.. Let me just rewind on events that made up my 2008.

I was eager to welcome the new semester after the surprising Year 1 Sem 1 results. Unfortunately, it was pure dumb luck. For both semesters in year 2008, I did rather badly. My cap is constantly dropping. The disappointment comes from the modules that I did not expect to do that badly. Seeing the last 2 semester, I have finally concluded, the later the exam is, the worse my results will be. In addition, PRxxx3 were always my worst module. I hope there would be no PR3103..

At the beginning of the year, the semester seemed to be slack as only 3 modules were allocated. But my electives tired me out. Projects and endless Chinese work. The other semester was even busier with the 6 modules I took. And Chinese 2 was just too difficult for me although I enjoyed the class. Well, no matter how much I dread it, I am still grateful and believe that the Chinese modules have improved my Chinese. At least my hardwork is useful for the long run. Haha..

Yah so finally I know that I will not be able to shine in my cohort. So I shall just enjoy the learning process and take one thing at a time.

Social Life
I had my first (and last) OGL-ing experience. It had to be some divine intervention that I had such a great people in my OG. Considering how shy I am, it was great to get a more outgoing people in the OG. I think my OG helped me more than I helped them. Haha... And it was great to know so many new friends. Ya.. the friendship continues on and does not die. I hope it will continue on. I treasure being friends with them, somehow I feel more relaxed and open to themas compared to my own cohort people. Ironic. Still, I also get to know more of the people in my cohort.

With my 6 modules and taking different modules (and different SP lessons) made my relation with my clique a bit drifted away. Not as meaningful as the previous year but I am still very glad for the people in my clique. We are in great synergy. Haha... I hope to patch things up next sem.

My trip to Sydney gave a bunch of new great friends for me. Too bad many of them will be graduating next sem. Haha... After that it will be quite challenging for me to make new friends for me to remain in my CCAs. Sigh...

And sadly, I have to bid farewell to someone I always think can be my best friend. After so many ups and downs, I have finally decided to say goodbye. I think it is no longer healthy to keep such a friendship. Too much pain, fakery... I am just tired...

I had my baptism.. I had the life changing World Youth Day experiences... Yet I had the worst Christmas this year. And towards the latest quarter of the year, I feel that my prayer life is in ruin. I hardly pray... and I hardly have a time for myself to reflect on my relationship with God. Haiz... Well, it is New Year.. I believe it is time to mend and start a new prayerful life. After all, the greatness of this year was all due to God's grace: the fantastic trip to Sydney with total strangers and I came back with great friends, the great FOW despite my initial fear and worry, the missing of deadline to submit SP tutorial selection that helped me to get the best tutor, the last minute (I bidded 5 minutes before closing time) intervention for me to bid for my 6th module which helped me to reduce the drop of my CAP, I was struggling in my Chinese 2 but lucky I had a senior who lent me her work and some friends+my sister who helped me write essays/speech, I got my payment 1 year after I quitted my work in 2007 (it was exactly a year.. I fired myself in 12 April 2007 and I received a phone call that I would get my payment in 12 April 2008.. the call came a few minutes before mass began... lucky I decided to answer the phone).

I am looking forward for more divine intervention to change water into wine :) Without it, my 2008 would be a shit.

This year I clocked the most mileage as compared to the other years of my life. I visited 5 countries: Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, Thailand, and Cambodia. I hate travelling but still I enjoyed these travels. Lucky I went to Bangkok in August. With all the ruckus in their airport recently, I don't know when I will be able to go there if I did not go in August.

I finally bowled this year. Haha... Great great great... Have been wanting it since dunno when... Lol I think it's more fun than playing pool. Lol.

Too bad I could not go home this year end holiday. Really really sad.

The busy schedule made my entertainment life sucked this year. I only watched animes at the beginning of the year. As the year was ending, I entertained myself with The Amazing Race and Desperate Housewives every Monday. There was simply no time for me to watch anime. My Spiral is not completed yet... After so long... Lol.. Code Geass R2 is my target next.

I guess it was because I played Cabal and facebook games to often that I have insufficient time for anime. Lol...

I don't really buy so many anime books this year. Haiz... I am still hurt with my wrong investment in one Code Geass book. Oh well, as I went to Kino yesterday, I found 2 new books I wanted to buy. One is Code Geass book (this time I am ABSOLUTELY sure it is an ILLUSTRATION book) and one is a square enix compilation book..

I also wish to buy an iPod... or a PSP..

ZERO exercise this year. Sigh... Cambodia made me drop 3kg yeah... It was really a surprise (I kicked my balance at first cos I did not believe that I lost weight) as I felt that I was getting fatter. I guess all my muscles have completely been converted to fats. It's time to exercise perhaps..

And my eyes :( I am going blind soon :(

That's 2008 for me... Sayonara...
And welcome 2009..!!!

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