Monday, November 24, 2008

EC 1301: Principles of Economics

80 MCQs were just too long and mentally challenging. Sigh... I slacked quite a bit and did quite slowly, I did not manage to finish the paper. I still had about 3 qns blank as I had no time to finish shading. There were some questions I tikam without even reading the questions or answers as the options were too long. Haiz... Will I get A?

The question paper was returned. No, I did not want to check!! I checked only the first page. I got 1 correct and 1 wrong answer. The wrong one is due to carelessness. I did that question lastly and forgot that steeper = less elastic. Haiz... Wasted. 3 Questions I could not find in the notes. So yea... I stopped checking. I think it will be quite bad and demoralising.

God, help me!!
Though I am very thankful that yesterday I called my friend and had an explanation on prisoner's dilemma. Quite a few questions on that came out. I hope I got them correct.

I know why econs is a social science. There is nothing scientific about it at all. All the mathematical models and graphs are anyhow used to explain things. That's why it is very difficult for science students to understand and it is very for us to get confused. They don't follow independent variable as x-axis and dependent variable on y-axis. Some times I don't know which variable change to cause what or what cause the thing to change. No matter what, it is more fun to do an non science exam paper. I shall take non science module for my UEs. Well... Must see whether I perform well for this T_T... and how many S/Us I still have..

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