Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The CA result of PR2101 was out yesterday. Woohoo... I was seriously surprised with my performance. I logged out and in again to make sure that I did not see the wrong thing. Haha.. It was my first time getting an above average score for my PRxxxx module. Something that never happened before. Seeing how fast the result was out, I guess the same thing can be expected from the practical test today. I am glad that the test was not as difficult as expected. The mad rush of mugging the lecture notes was useless (but it was useful in the long term as it is a revision for the final exam) as everything was from the lab manual. Haha... Including the "lower phase" and "upper phase"... As if I could recall which contains what... I came just in time 9am before the test began. I got a quite uncomfortable seat and was initially nervous. I was worried that I could not finish but so lucky that the paper consisted of 30 instead of 40 questions. Hurray... I hope I can maintain the good performance.

Had a dimsum buffet lunch today. It was not very good. Haha.. It was at Excelsior Hotel. Only the shiumay and hakao were up to my standard. The cheechongfun sauce was bland, the xiaolongbao had very little soup inside, the desert was not very tasty, the service was substandard. Well... Not that worth it for $17 meal. Haha... But it was the people that make it enjoyable. Lol... It was so fun and embarassing at the same time. Lucky we are no longer in school (and hence no school uniform), otherwise I am sure that we made our school ashamed. Haha... The pseudo-shopping session was quite good too. Now I know why my fashion sense sucks. Haha.. It is because I never go to these shops... Even so... I don't think that the clothes in the middle-high types of shops (Topshop, Esprit, etc) are my type. I find the colours dull and dead. Nevermind..

The last chinese quiz was over today. Hehe... I was damn bloody worked out for it and I did not even know the format for quiz. It turned out to be a dictation with 2 sentences. What the heck... And the difficult words were from the previous chapters, not from the ones being tested. Darn... I mistook 时候 for 时间. Bleah... I hope other than that, the rest is alright.

I shall rest now. Haha... I am falling sick. After vaccination on Monday, my left arm was painful. I woke up several times at night so I did not really sleep well... I think my body is really weak. Haha.. That reminded me with the time when I had an injection in Primary 3 and I ended up could not walk for 1 week. Oh well... My condition was worsened yesterday by the retarded SP1203 presentation which just wasted my time and made me too tired and stressed at night preparinf for my lab test. Haiz..

Oh ya, Barack Obama won US presidential election :) I was keen on him winning. Hopefully he can bring USA and thus the world into a better and safer state. Lol... And I was surprised that my year 1 friends are actually following the election too. That is like so cool. Haha...

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