Friday, October 10, 2008

HIP HIP HURRAY!!! The week that I dreaded from last weekend has finally over. Yeah!! Hoho... Today carwash was not bad either. Gosh... only today I managed to 'beg' money from people. Gosh...2 people somemore... Thank goodness... I hope those people who were very nice to me will be blessed with good karma. And those who weren't... I shall not say... From today's experience, I conclude that I feel more comfortable to work with girls and I am more comfortable to beg from aunties :p

My pharm anal is confirmed to be dead already. The error that I made was said to be 'fatal' by the teacher. Oh well, I hope I learn from the mistake. And those who did not make the mistake will learn it during the final test. I just wish the marks are released today so as not to spoil the following week.

Next week will be disastrous too. Pharm anal lab test, chinese (yaiks!!) mid term, and pharmacostats lab (this is damn dumb and ridiculous!! last week it was said to be a bonus grade if can complete the assignment but this week it became a GRADED assignment. what the shit!!). The survey crap is also crap and my SP essay is still going nowhere. I am very lazy to see that. I am doing my dosage form practical report now. And that reminds me of my late flame photometry submission.... No stress but I hope I won't get penalised because of that..

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