Sunday, July 6, 2008

2 days before flying off

This page has been quite boring and unpicturesque lately so I shall put in pictures this time. I am rather busy in this period of time (and I am still very lethargic post-FOC) but well life must go on. My progress in Spiral is still very slow. The story is just starting to build up so I guess I shall stop first before it becomes very difficult to step on the brake. Haha..

And the song that I am currently using is the opening song of Spiral. The title is Kibouhou by Strawberry Jam. They really remind me of Judy and Mary. Both the main girl lead singers have a rather unique voice which makes their songs rather cutesy. Lol..

I was browsing youtube 2 nights ago in the hope of finding any english subbed Prince of Tennis OVA 20. Nothing but in return, I found something else. They were the videos of the Prince of Tennis 100 songs marathon. Too bad that most of the songs are owned by 1 person who disables the embed feature.

These people are really talented and blessed with beautiful voices. Though the faces a bit cannot make it. Haha.. It is quite sad that I cannot embed the Cap to Bin videos. Nicer songs and cuter stage actings. Haha...

FOC photos are out and it's time to be vain again. Oh God please save me! I looked horrible, and ugly, and FAT in those photos. Haiz... I think even FOC failed to make me lose weight. I must not repeat the same mistake for the World Youth Day photos. So I went to have a haircut today. It is very unfortunate that the hairdresser gave me a very funny cut. Hhmmph -_-!

2 days left before I am off to Sydney. I have not had everything that I need. I started packing but stopped after 5 minutes. I cannot take it. 1/3 of my luggage is for sleeping bag. 1/3 is for the winter clothings. So I am left with another 1/3 for the rest of everything. Oh gosh.... Engorgio!! I hope I can do magic to enlarge my luggage. Sigh... Tomorrow I have a group meeting which will last for 7 hours. And I need to have an emergency appointment to my dentist. My braces ran out of the cage. Sigh... I am very tired... So many things to do yet so little time.


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