Sunday, June 1, 2008


I opened my old anime magazines to find out an anime book I want to buy. It is unfortunate that I only realised it now, 9 years after the book was published. How could I not remember about it when the first time I went to Singapore? By that time, I am sure that the book would still be available. I tried to check on Kinokuniya web book search. The book is still in the catalogue but when I asked, the shop had no stock. The supplier also had no stock. That means I have no way to get it at all. Except by searching it in Japan perhaps.

Exam results were out and I am deeply shocked, saddened, and disappointed. Even up to know T_T... I have nothing to blame because I don't think I had a lousy preparation... It was due to factors due to the exams. :( I guess that's the punishment for being over-confident, proud, arrogant, and over-expecting in the hope of repeating what I did 6 months ago. I will go next time with a new mindset that I am indeed dumb and I shall not put up so high expectation.

It's a terrible experience. I never feel this low. My faith is also taking a huge stepback... How can I go to Sydney with this kind of faith?

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