Friday, March 21, 2008


Whew.. It has been really really LOOOOONG since I was so free to blog. Lol. Though I am not that free nowadays anyway. Haha...

If my last few entries were about my exhaustion, desperation, and irritation with school work, now I am exhausted physically. I have been sleeping at 3am plus and waking up early since last Friday. That is about 3 hours of sleep everyday. I am so blessed that I am still okay and not even sick until now. Haiz... And some of my schoolwork have been very good, especially the chinese. Haha... Not full marks but still very excellent marks. I hope I can get A =) Physio was not too bad (at least better than what my prediction was) and lab exam was quite okay. I shall see how on Monday.

Easter is just around the corner and my waiting will finally be over. I have sacrificed so much for this T_T Haiz... It should be a happy week but I am so sad. It is really true that what is right in God's eyes are totally stupid in human's. Okay, at least the days of tears are over. I am getting to be able to accept and get used to it. It is thanks to God that I can get my first ever best friend anyway.

Last Sunday was Palm Sunday and it was the first time that I almost became an outstanding church go-er. I was late by 15 minutes and lucky that there was one empty chair in the most pitiful position. No complaint though, I prefer that to standing for 75 minutes. Haha... After that, I was late for the Annointing with Oil service, just 2 hours later. Haha... It was raining heavily and I still wanted to have Long John at Orchard. I came back and ran all the way from the MRT to the church. Crazy! Haha... It was just the Friday before that I took BMI and BFA (Body Fat Analysis). The verdict was:

Height: 1.66m (Hey I GROW!!!!)
Weight: 62kg (damn fat)
BMI: 22.5 (1 more kg and I am in the 'unhealthy' aka 'fat' range -_- )
Body Fat Percentage: 22 if I am not mistaken (that's the PROOF that I'm DAMN fat!)

I owed so much thing for this week. I skipped 1 LSM lecture, 1 GEK lecture (that's 4 hours of webcasting!), 1 PR1103 lecture, and I did nothing for Chinese in the last 2 weeks (40-50 new characters to mug!). So much to catch up next week. Haiz Haiz..

My parents and my elder sister are here for my baptism. Yay! My mom brought many gifts from her relatives. Now in total I have 3 Indon bibles, and 5 rosaries. Cannot they think of something better to give???? -_- Not that I am picky or choosy for what people give me, it's about not to waste their money. I mean what for getting something that someone will not use (I do read my bible but I don't need THREE of them, the same with rosary). So only, the crucifix is useful for me as I don't have one at home.

So the BIG day will be here tomorrow. Thanks be to God =) I hope I look good in the photos (and I hope my pimples are gone miraculously tonite!)

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