Sunday, February 10, 2008


Now I finally understand why newspaper articles always mention about the danger of gaining weight during Chinese New Year.

Yeah, this year is my first time to go to a reunion dinner. I went to my aunt's place on the Chinese New Year eve. Her nieces came late so in the mean time, I ate all the cookies, love letters, and peanuts (think about the pimples later). It was a steamboat dinner. I never liked steamboat so I did not expect to get full. But I got full, very very full. It had to be the wantons. That was the only thing I like and I ate. But I guess I was nauseated by the fish lah. It was force fed to me. I was quite drunk also. It was not my first time drinking red wine. I drank it too hastily (2 sips for half of a small glass but the size is difficult to say yes?) and my cheeks were red. Lol. My head was quite heavy and it felt like headache.

I had no visiting for the actual 2 days of CNY. Haha... I rushed through the very sucky Gundam Seed Destiny. What a waste of my time -_-! It screws up the already nice Gundam Seed. But overall, Gundam Wing is a more satisfying series. At least the ending was clear, no more gundams which means peace. I like that better than GSD ending: they all remain in the military. Haiz...

This picture is nice (rare!) but I don't know what the hell the lucky strike at the bottom left is doing -_-

Yesterday I visited 2 friends. At noon, it was pizza meal (though I only ate 2 pieces) and a bit of my friend's mum homecooked dishes. I would love to eat more of the char siew but my throat was quite sore due to a lot of talking and bakwa (I only ate 3 pieces leh -_-). In the afternoon, it was another bakwa and peanuts. Haha... I dare not to weigh myself today. Lol.

Anyway, CNY is over. And now all the stress will begin. I have chinese quiz coming out either next week or next next week. I don't know when because there is a discrepancy between the lecture plan and ivle. I don't know. Whenever it is, I am screwed because it is very close to Physio CA. WAT THE HECK!!!! Code Geass must be suspended until mid-sem break. 25 episodes only so it should be done in 2 days. Haha...

I almost forget about mentioning the angpaus. Hehe... An interesting observation that I have made is that Singaporeans always give free angpaus. In all the angpaus I got, the packs were from POSB, Baleno, Citibank, SIA, Maybank, Fairprice, IBM, etc. Yeah banks are the most. Lol. It is very diffent from Indonesia where we will chiong to buy the nice nice angpaus... which I suppose will be dominated by Mickey and Minnie. Haha... The younger generations will look for nice pictures while the older people will find the nice writings (though I don't bother because I don't understand anyway). In total, I get $84 this year. Haha... It is exclusive what I got home. Lol... I shall treat myself with either an anime book or a set of anime figurines. If there is any nice one, of course. Hehe...

Just had the Rite of Sending this morning. A compendium was given. Haiz... In the midst of so much thing to read/study for school, I have additional interesting to read. I don't know how :(

Huaah... I shall sleep now. It was tiring to wake up early for 2 consecutive days after 2 consecutive nights of sleeping late. Valentine's Day and Blood Donation are coming next week =)

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