Saturday, January 19, 2008


I went to see my dentist yesterday and guess what: the receptionist said that I lost weight. Lol.. I told her that I gained and I looked slim because I was in all black. She did not believe. Haha... This is very dangerous as though I become fatter, I look as if I slim down. Haiz... No wonder people always don't believe when I tell them that I am fat and trying to lose weight. Now that I had my hair cut, I guess people will realise that I am fat (today a senior said "I want to pinch your cheeks... So chubby" -_-!) because my head/hair looks slimmer than my face.

I am in terrible pain now as my teeth are moving. Yesterday the dentist did something such as my upper and lower teeth did not meet when I closed my mouth. This morning... tadaaa.... they meet already.. I think during my sleep, it was naturally that my mouth must be in a resting state and the upper teeth forced the lower ones to move so that they could meet. Haiz...

Interestingly, the pain makes my appetite bigger. Nothing enticed me for the past week but today I felt the urge to 'junk-eating' again. I guess partly because today I felt my stomach shrunk a bit (and yeah I lost 1 kg)... I bought the Korean Old Chang Kee (at Vivocity but I don't know exactly the name) and it was pretty good. I was tempted to eat prata and roti john for dinner and lucky there were sold out. In the end, I had breakfast for dinner (meaning sandwich and shumay). I am tempted with McD CNY meal but that one I can get at school because it is cheaper anyway. As long as I am not tempted to potato chips, I still feel safe.

I am finally watching Gundam Seed now. Wow... I have to say it is damn cool! The story line is just soooo gooood! I cannot stop -_-! My study plan will be totally disrupted if this continues on. Haiz... I guess I have to chiong today so that I can leave tomorrow for study purposes: LAC1201 homework and reading practical manuals (I don't want to collect zeros 0_0 ). Lucky my GEK1001 readings for last week are is almost done. 2 more pages left. It was a complete waste of time as I could understand nothing and the main points were already mentioned in lecture slides.

Dean's List! Oh yeah! Everyone's favourite magic word for university. I am never attracted but now I have every reason to mug like crazy to be listed. My senior said that 5 CCA points are awarded! If it is 5 per semester, I will be able to fulfil 25% of my requirement just by mugging like crazy... I will start that next semester because the points for next year cannot be accumulated from the ones this year. Haiz... CCAs are just waste of time. I will be joining angklung on Monday. I hope it is a fun cca and a place to harvest cca points easily...

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